Psychologist Eskil Burck is one of the most renowned science journalists in the field of psychology. He teaches psychology at the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences in Zurich. Thanks to his active exchange with scientists around the world, his books are always at the cutting edge of research. On YouTube alone, his psychology learning videos have been viewed more than 5 million times. His German audio podcast has consistently ranked #1 in the iTunes charts in the "Education" category. Several of his books became Amazon bestsellers.
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Nie zuvor in der Geschichte der Menschheit waren wir so vielen Beeinflussungsversuchen ausgesetzt. Große Konzerne wollen uns zum Kauf ihrer Produkte verführen. Religiöse Prediger wollen uns von ihrem „einzig wahren" Glauben überzeugen. Politiker wollen (wieder-)gewählt werden.
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