Pantalla :
17-year-old Stella Hamilton is the star blazing at the heart of Temperley High. Leader of the maliciously exclusive elite, she is surrounded by adulation; envied and lusted after in equal measure. And...
Worshipped, envied, desired, and feared by all, Siena Hamilton reigns over Temperley High. Nothing can shake her place as the head of Temperley's elite - not even that unfortunate incident at the end...
Hugo's parents sought safety by marching their children fifteen miles to a derelict cottage on the north coast, carrying all their possessions in the baby's pram. It should have been an idyllic setting...
Edith Arneau may be in her sixties, but her unruly behaviour makes her the despair of the staff in the home where she lives in retirement. However, her resourcefulness, her background as an actress and...
Si Alexandra a accepté de participer à un casting, c’est uniquement dans l’espoir de gagner l’argent dont elle a désespérément besoin. Mais lorsqu’elle arrive au studio, elle sent son cœur se serrer....
It took an angel to make me believe in love.As a woman of science, I am an unabashed, agnostic atheist—until I meet my first angel. Aziel, with big, beautiful wings, claims he's here to stop humanity...
In early-nineteenth century Scotland, sixteen-year-old Josie, an orphan, is sent to live with an aunt and uncle on the rocky, stormy northwest coast. Everything and everyone in her new surroundings, including...
La nuit, Vanessa erre dans les rues obscures, en quête d'aventures. A son retour, elle retrouve son gentil mari. Ensemble, ils jouent à la poupée. Et c'est Vanessa, bien sûr, qui fait la poupée... Une...
« Je vous ai rencontré très tard et j’en suis navrée : que de temps perdu ! J’aurais voulu être du premier cercle de vos lecteurs conquis. Quoi qu’il en soit, je chemine désormais en votre compagnie,...
Trouble is brewing in Nexus, and for some reason, they think I can stop it.Some people are born to greatness. My mother wanted to strangle me at birth.I've not had an easy life, not in a world that thrives...
'This is every woman’s dream revenge plot come to life.' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Are you on a date that doesn’t feel right? Can’t shake that creepy...
Sans eux, les magasins seraient vides. Qui se soucie pourtant des chauffeurs-livreurs qui nous approvisionnent ? Aux yeux des citadins, ils apparaissent comme des gêneurs : déclencheurs d'embouteillages,...
Taking advantage of recent tourist interest, the residents of Prior's Ford plan a summer festival. But someone is determined to sabotage the event, and it takes all the villagers' detective skills to...
Right from the beginning I was suspicious of the man. Right from the minute he got on the bus. Maybe it was because he acted so strangely about the bag. But mostly it was because of the way he looked....
Lorsqu'elle l'appelait « minou », elle ne l'entendait pas littéralement. Il arrive un moment dans la vie d'un homme où il doit choisir : s'installer ou prendre une claque de sa mère parce qu'il ne lui...
A romantic suspense anthology featuring four stories about single mothers, recruited by an elite agency, trained in special ops.Soccer Mom : Can a woman with her past and secrets ever take a chance on...
What happens when science goes too far?Chimera Secrets feature five stories about genetically altered humans who find love.A Nurse for a Wolfman : Only love can tame the beast.Guarding the Mermaid : Love...
Get ready for some zany romance on the high seas with Lucifer acting as your matchmaking host. Includes three previously published titles in one handy collection for your reading-and giggling-pleasure....
It's time for the antichrist to fulfill his destiny.Things are getting complicated on Earth. Dark forces are rising, along with the dead, and only Chris can stop the coming apocalypse. Talk about pressure....
His happiness isn't complete until he finds the missing lynx.Kodiak Point is a place where shapeshifters can hide and heal. No one needs that more than Rilee. She's not a people person. Heck, most of...
Feed the cat. Save the world. Fall in love?Israfil isn't a cat person. Or a people person. Actually, he doesn't like anyone or anything, yet for some reason, once he's released after millennia from his...
Glisser dans un sac à main le désarroi de nos classes moyennes. Caser dans une petite voiture low-cost la croissance rapide et inégalitaire des grands pays émergents, ou montrer qu’un climatiseur peut...
2018 marks the twentieth anniversary of V-Day, the radical grassroots movement to end violence against women and girls, inspired by Eve Ensler's international sensation The Vagina Monologues. This special...
Comme tout le monde, River Page est fascinée par les Grace, frère et sœurs. Comme tout le monde, elle est persuadée qu’ils ont la magie dans le sang. Et, comme tout le monde, elle brûle d’envie de devenir...
"Je ressemblais à Brigitte Bardot et j'étais la filleule de Stravinski." Chroniqueuse, égérie des nuits au champagne de Los Angeles, artiste, muse : avant d'avoir célébré ses 30 printemps, Eve Babitz...
"On se demande ce que tu lui trouves !" J’ai si souvent entendu cette phrase lorsque j’évoque ma passion pour Houellebecq, ses textes, sa parole libre et ses provocations. C’est vrai qu’il ne laisse personne...
La jeune épouse frustrée sexuellement d'un homme effacé se trouve obligée de travailler à Rungis, dans un restaurant que fréquentent les bouchers. Et voilà qu'à leur contact ressuscitent les ogres de...
L'any 1994 l'últim règim del món explícitament segregacionista es va esfondrar. Dècades després, el país segueix dividit, incapaç de superar la disfunció social que ha heretat i que condemna els seus...
Ein schlecht gelaunter Löwe bekommt eine zweite Chance für die Liebe.Süßes oder knurr?Ein junger, betrunkener Jack spielt der Hexe in der Stadt einen Streich, wird dabei jedoch erwischt. Ein Fluch später,...
PatienceMoving in with my aunt in remote Rye Creek, California was supposed to give me a chance to concentrate on starting my new business. Instead, I'm distracted by the gruff and growly mountain man...
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