A multiple-award winning SF writer and editor. Francesco Verso has published e-Doll, Futurespotting and I camminatori. His Nexhuman and Bloodbusters have been published in the US, UK, Italy and China. He works as editor of Future Fiction, a multicultural project dedicated to scouting and publishing the best World SF in translation from more than 30 countries and 12 languages. He’s the Honorary Director of the Fishing Fortress SF Academy of Chongqing and the Creative Director of Future Wave, a literary agency based in Beijing.
«Dos mundos» intenta romper las barreras entre la fantasía y la ciencia ficción.
Este cuento relata un futuro lejano en que la Tierra es muy distinta: el desarrollo Quimérico llevó la evolución humana por extraños caminos, originándose otras razas: especies híbridas que poseen genes...
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