Pantalla :
In "Echoes of Deceit: A Tapestry of Broken Hearts," Mia finds herself ensnared in a web of passion and turmoil. After a restless night, she grapples with the aftermath of an intense encounter with the...
In the shadows of the Dimmitt graveyard, Kalin's flight from Wintie Rayado leaves him near death until a hidden cave with ancient martial arts secrets revives him. Armed with newfound strength and a mystical...
In the heart of Backbone Mountain, a deadly storm brews as four mysterious maidens in skull masks rise from a forgotten valley, heralding the birth of the sinister Skull Valley Clan. As they wreak havoc...
In the heart of the Spanish Empire's zenith, La Florida is plunged into chaos as treacherous rebels seize power, igniting a brutal conflict for control. Amid the bloodshed, the skilled leader Braison...
When Sprite returns home after a grueling day, she's greeted not by the familiar chaos of her crumbling apartment, but by something far more unsettling: order. Her normally disheveled husband, Ajee, has...
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