After the German publication, there were some people who complained that I wrote in the first person without explicitly stating that I - Gabriel Erbé - am a man. Therefore, I would like to mention it here as a precaution: I am a man and write from the first-person perspective of the main character when I think that is the best way to tell the story.
In my books, piercings, tattoos, and bondage always appear, but not on every page. After all, I want to tell a story. Characters who enjoy being beaten never appear.
Irgendwann hatte Maiga gemerkt, dass es ihr nicht mehr reichte, sich ab und zu von Meister Watanabe fesseln zu lassen. Er war zwar ein unangefochtener Meister in der Kunst des Shibari, aber ihr wahrer Traum war der, sich ihrem Mann vollständig zu unterwerfen.
Wobei: So vollständig...
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