In 'Magic' by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, the reader is taken on a captivating journey through the realms of the supernatural and the unexplained. Through a series of thought-provoking essays, Chesterton...
In 'All Things Considered', Gilbert Keith Chesterton presents a collection of essays that blend humor, wit, and deep philosophical insights. Known for his paradoxical style, Chesterton challenges conventional...
In 'The Victorian Age in Literature' by G.K. Chesterton, readers are taken on a journey through the rich literary landscape of the Victorian era. Chesterton explores the works of prominent writers such...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton's 'The Flying Inn' is a satirical novel that follows the adventures of two British men who embark on a journey to save England from prohibition. Filled with humor and wit, Chesterton...
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with "uncanny insight into human evil."
In this volume Mr. Chesterton reprints nearly twenty of the ingenious and brilliant papers which have delighted and puzzled the readers of the London Daily News and Speaker. The subjects are all biographical,...
Chesterton, in his unimitable way, remarks that "the only way to write a popular history is to write it backwards." This is somewhat the method he employs in his book, "A Short History of England," in...
Characteristically brilliant and daring essays on sociological subjects in which is depicted the Utopia of the hard-headed business man, capitalists, and the millionaires who will arrange their own paradise...
Mr. Gilbert Chesterton is quite on his own ground in writing essays about about Heretics. Such subjects as Kipling, Shaw, Whistler, H. G. Wells, the new paganism, and the importance of orthodoxy possess...
Nella Croce azzurra fa la sua prima apparizione Padre Brown, protagonista di molti romanzi e racconti gialli di Chesterton, il prete-investigatore che risolve i casi grazie alle raffinate esperienze psicologiche...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton's 'The Flying Inn' is a satirical novel that critiques prohibition and explores themes of traditionalism, freedom, and the absurdities of modern society. Written in Chesterton's...
In "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, readers are transported into a thrilling and thought-provoking detective story that combines elements of mystery, suspense, and social commentary....
Patrick Dalroy, un jeune Irlandais à la force physique peu commune, rentré au pays après une campagne légendaire contre les Turcs, apprend de la bouche de son meilleur ami, que le tyran du Comté s’apprête,...
Il personaggio letterario padre Brown è un presbitero e investigatore, protagonista di oltre cinquanta racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Modellato sulla figura di padre...
Um dos ensaios mais fecundos de G. K. Chesterto sobre as bases ideárias da Alemanha na Primeira Guerra Mundial.Analisando os eventos iniciais da Primeira Guerra Mundial, as pretensões não somente bélicas...
Due to close relationships with the leading political figures in the land, Fisher knows too much about the private politics behind the public politics of the day. This knowledge is a burden to him because...
Un classique de l'humour anglais, dans la collection Yes you can (Harrap's) : VO intégrale avec traductions en marge pour mieux comprendre le texte original.Niveau avancé
At first read, G.K. Chesterton’s the Man Who Was Thursday is a zany mystery story filled with often surreal twists that turn more traditional thrillers on their ear. Set in a fantastic London where the...
Ein Detektiv....Eine geheime Gesellschaft...und eine außerordentliche Entdeckung.
I membri di una setta anarchica hanno fatto una scelta bizzarra decidendo di assumere per maggior sicurezza i nomi dei giorni della settimana, e quando il protagonista di questa storia, Gabril Syme, sceglie...
This contains the first 8 of the 12 stories in the published book The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories. In these 8 detective thrillers, the main protagonist is Horne Fisher. (The omitted four are...
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with "uncanny insight into human evil.
Il giardino segreto (The secret garden), pubblicato nel 1911 nell’antologia "The innocence of Father Brown", è uno dei racconti scritti da Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) che hanno come protagonista...
I tre strumenti di morte (The three tools of death), pubblicato nel 1911 nell’antologia "The innocence of Father Brown", è uno dei racconti scritti da Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) che hanno come...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) è autore, insieme a molte altre cose, di una serie di cinquantadue racconti pubblicati in cinque antologie tra il 1911 e il 1935 che hanno come protagonista Padre...
The Man Who Knew Too Much and other stories (1922) is a book of detective stories by English writer G. K. Chesterton, published in 1922 by Cassell and Company in the United Kingdom, and Harper Brothers...
In una locanda fuori mano nei boschi, padre Brown si trova a indagare su un caso bizzarrissimo: un anziano è stato trafitto con un’antica spada e insieme impiccato a un albero. Tutti volevano bene alla...
Padre Brown, insieme a Flambeu e all’ispettore Carven, indaga sulla morte di Archibald Ogilvo, conte di Glengyle. Tra le cianfrusaglie accumulate nel castello, alcune alimentano non pochi sospetti sulla...
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