Dr. Gwen Adshead is one of the UK’s leading forensic psychiatrists and psychotherapists. She has spent thirty years working in Broadmoor, England’s largest secure psychiatric hospital, with groups and individual patients convicted of serious violent offences, as well as with people in prisons and in the community. Gwen has a Master’s degree in medical law and ethics and has published several academic books and over one hundred papers and commissioned articles on forensic psychotherapy, moral reasoning and ethics, and attachment theory. She is a founder member of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy and has been a visiting professor at Yale University and Gresham College in the UK.
La doctora Gwen Adshead es una de las principales psiquiatras forenses de Reino Unido. Durante décadas ha tratado a asesinos en serie, pirómanos, pedófilos y otros convictos sobre quienes recae el estigma de la sociedad, que los considera «monstruos». En este libro la doctora Adshead...
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