Pantalla :
Out-of-print for many years, When the World Shook is a classic text which tells of the terror of a ghost town. The streets were empty, and so were the buildings, this city could not have been more dead...
When the World Shook is a novel by H. Rider Haggard written in 1919. It deals with the adventures of Bastin, Bickley, and Arbuthnot as they travel to the south sea island of Orofena. The story begins...
Narrated in the first person by Thomas Wingfield, an Englishman whose adventures include having his mother murdered, a brush with the Spanish Inquisition, shipwreck, and slavery. Eventually, Thomas unwillingly...
H. Rider Haggard's 'Pearl-Maiden: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem' is a captivating historical novel set in ancient Jerusalem during the Roman siege. The book masterfully blends adventure with romance,...
After discovering the hidden mines of King Solomom, Allan Quartermain finds that life back in England is too sedate for his liking. With two travel companions he heads back to Africa in search of further...
Before there was Indiana Jones there was Allan Quartermain: the original explorer, treasure hunter, and adventurer. The Quartermain books have captivated readers for more than a century, spawning more...
It was on his fourteenth birthday that Keith Burton discovered the Great Terror, though he did not know it by that name until some days afterward. He knew only, to his surprise and distress, that the...
H. Rider Haggard's 'Nada the Lily' is a captivating historical novel set in South Africa during the time of the Zulu wars. The book follows the story of Umslopogaas, a Zulu warrior, and his bond with...
In H. Rider Haggard's 'Queen Sheba's Ring', readers are transported to the mysterious and exotic land of Africa, where ancient secrets and adventure await. Written in Haggard's classic narrative style,...
H. Rider Haggard's novel 'Long Odds' is a thrilling adventure story that takes place in the wilds of South Africa. The book is filled with vivid descriptions of the landscape and wildlife, immersing the...
In 'Black Heart and White Heart: A Zulu Idyll' by H. Rider Haggard, the reader is immersed in a tale that explores the clash of cultures and values between the English settlers and the Zulu nation in...
H. Rider Haggard's novel 'Beatrice' is a captivating tale set in Victorian England, filled with themes of love, loyalty, and betrayal. The story follows the protagonist, Beatrice, as she navigates the...
H. Rider Haggard's 'She' is a captivating adventure novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the mysterious African landscape. Written in a vivid and descriptive style, the book immerses...
H. Rider Haggard's 'Pearl-Maiden: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem' is a captivating historical novel set against the backdrop of the Roman siege of Jerusalem. The story follows the journey of Miriam,...
In 'Moon of Israel: A Tale of the Exodus' by H. Rider Haggard, readers are taken on a captivating journey through ancient Egypt during the time of the Exodus. Haggard's literary style is rich in detail...
"Joan Haste" is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1895. It is a romantic story set in rural England in the late 19th century. The plot revolves around Joan Haste, a young woman who is the...
"Morning Star" is a novel written by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1910. The story is set in South Africa and revolves around a group of characters who are searching for a legendary diamond mine...
The story follows the journey of Allan Quatermain, a skilled hunter and explorer, who sets out to find his brother, who has gone missing while searching for a lost white race. Allan's journey takes him...
"Montezuma's Daughter" is a novel written by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1893. The story is set in Mexico during the 16th century and follows the adventures of a Spanish nobleman named Thomas...
The story follows the exploits of Allan Quatermain, the famous explorer and adventurer, as he travels to the remote African kingdom of Zu-Vendis to rescue his friend, Sir Henry Curtis, and his wife, who...
"The Witch's Head" is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1885. The story takes place in England and revolves around a young man named Leonard Outram, who inherits a large estate from his...
The story is a prequel to Haggard's popular novel "She" and follows the adventures of Allan Quatermain, the famous explorer and adventurer, as he travels to the lost kingdom of Kor in search of a legendary...
The story follows the adventures of three English people: Humphrey Arbuthnot, his friend and physician, Dr. Jameson, and a woman named Vita, who is also Humphrey's love interest. The novel begins with...
The story follows the life of a young Englishman named Geoffrey Bingham, who travels to South Africa to make his fortune. While there, he falls in love with a beautiful young woman named Beatrice, who...
Set in South Africa the novel tells the story of a young Englishman named Allan Quatermain and his companions, who become embroiled in a war between the natives and a tribe of white settlers. The story...
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