Pantalla :
A rebellious princess desperate for freedom.A lost heir thrust into a strange new world in the middle of a heart wrenching war.A broken warrior who wants nothing more than to escape the past that haunts...
Avec une famille à charge, avoir un job pour Evie Sage n'est pas seulement important, c'est vital. Aussi, lorsqu'une mésaventure avec le plus célèbre Vilain de Rennedawn se solde par une offre d'emploi,...
As we tumble headlong into the second decade of the third millennium, we are in an era of unprecedented freedom to be whatever we want to be, in defiance of fusty old gender stereotypes. But while the...
Illuminate Me is a collection of poetry and prose exploring themes of trauma, healing, love, heartache, identity, and womanhood. In this book filled with poetic symbolism, a young woman who has endured...
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A dramatic expansion of a groundbreaking work of journalism, The 1619 Project: A New American Origin Story offers a profoundly revealing vision of the American past and present.ONE...
The hilarious grumpy x sunshine fantasy rom-com from the New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation‘The slow burn was burning, great twists and turns and one of the rare books that actually...
The #1 New York Times bestselling fantasy rom-com from the TikTok sensation about the sunshine-y assistant to the grumpy evil villain and their unexpected office romance…'The slow burn romance was done...
Two best friends' lives were about to change for ever, neither would ever be forgotten...'As a girl I witnessed the world I loved crumble and vanish, destroyed by senseless hatred, and with it, my best...
The Norman Conquest of 1066 and the Viking Conquest by Cnut in 1016 both had huge impacts on the history of England and yet '1066' has eclipsed '1016' in popular culture. This book challenges that side-lining...
Access Denied, Access Granted is a transformative guide to understanding who and what deserves access to your life. Through thoughtful chapters, Dr. Michelle R. Hannah walks readers through the art of...
Hannah, expérience(s), une vie érotique. Pendant une heure de conversation, des femmes et quelques hommes parlent de ce qu'il se passe dans leur chambre, mais aussi dans leur tête, leurs corps et le monde...
In "The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet," Hannah Woolley presents a captivating amalgamation of domestic wisdom and culinary expertise, reflecting the burgeoning interest in the newly defined roles...
In "What the Blackbird Said," Hannah Jane Locker-Lampson weaves a rich tapestry of themes revolving around nature, identity, and the inexorable passage of time. Through a unique blend of lyrical prose...
Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee's 'Rich Enough: a Tale of the Times' provides readers with a vivid portrayal of the social and economic dynamics of the 19th century. The novel explores themes of wealth, power,...
In "Rich Enough: A Tale of the Times," Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee intricately weaves a narrative that captures the socio-economic landscape of 19th-century America. Through vivid characterization and a...
On the lush and mysterious Island of Matriarch, ancient traditions dictate that newlywed women must undergo an intense nine-month fertility ritual before they can begin their journey to motherhood. Separated...
Fühlst du dich oft von deinen Gedanken überwältigt und hast Schwierigkeiten, das Leben zu führen, das du dir wünschst? Du bist nicht allein. Viele Frauen erkennen erst spät, dass ihre Herausforderungen...
Johnny hat eine Vorliebe für kleine Jungs und Mädchen. Gut schmecken sie ihm. Denn er ist Kannibale. Doch sein schandhaftes Tun findet jäh ein Ende als man ihn gefangen nimmt. "Serva 5 - Völkerbund"...
In 'The Complete Confectioner,' readers are invited into the sumptuous world of eighteenth-century culinary arts, where the confluence of technique, artistry, and tradition reveals much more than recipesit...
Essere felici è facile quando attribuiamo a ogni cosa il suo dovuto valore. Come migliorare la propria vita per vivere felici? Sono sicura che vi siate già chiesti come fare. In verità vi dico che vivere...
O romance Consciência descreve a consciência como uma “Orientação interior”, uma voz onisciente que indica a estrada a percorrer, a certeza íntima, a convicção absoluta dos nossos desejos, atos e ações;...
Hannah Lúcia Da Silva Franca nel suo romanzo, "Consapevolezza", ci racconta della coscienza come un "orientamento interiore", una voce onnisciente che indica le strade da percorrere. Noi siamo personalmente...
Roberta racconta come nella vita di ognuno ci sia sempre il tocco di Dio. La storia si districa tra il Brasile, esattamente a Recife, "la Venezia brasiliana", e l’Italia, a Torino e Ferrara. "Giraffa"...
Die Zeitenwende steht bevor. Die Völker werden immer mehr von fremden Mächten angegriffen. Kommt es zum Krieg? Und was hat es mit der Gilde der Domini auf sich? Wessen Sklavinnen werden die Götteropfer?...
Sieben auserwählte Jungfrauen machen sich auf dem Weg um den Göttern als Serva zu dienen. "Serva 1 - Götteropfer" ist die unzensierte Ausgabe von "Götteropfer" der Serva Saga mit einigen expliziteren...
Niemals krank werden, Intelligenz und Stärke vereint, Perfektion bis zur letzten menschlichen Zelle. Nie wieder sollte ein Kind kränklich zur Welt kommen. Das war Dr. Fabinis sehnlichster Wunsch, bis...
Sie kommen nach Hause und Ihre Haustür steht offen, obwohl sie vorher sicher abgeschlossen war? Niemand ist in der Wohnung und doch wirkt Ihr Heim etwas anders als zuvor? Stand die kleine Fotografie Ihrer...
Teddy is a chipmunk gathering nuts for winter. He travels through the forest, but keeps running into other animals doing the same thing. He worries that he may not be able to find enough before the snow...
"Bài ca của khủng long Bronty" là tập truyện mới nhất trong bộ truyện tranh "Khác biệt thật là tuyệt" dành cho các bé từ 6 đến 11 tuổi. Bộ truyện gồm 5 tập: "Tắc kè hoa Conker", "Tắc kè hoa Conker và...
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