Pantalla :
Writing for domestic servants in a conversational, accessible way, eighteenth-century housewife Hannah Glasse disapproved of French terminology and fussiness, instead favouring simple dishes that are...
"Both heartbreaking and life-affirming" (Edith Eger, author of The Choice), the long-awaited New York Times bestselling memoir of Holocaust survivor Hannah Pick-Goslar, who shares an intimate look into...
A moving and inspiring memoir by Afghanistan's youngest female mayor and campaigner for human rights, as seen in Netflix's In Her Hands documentary.'Zarifa will break your heart' Christina Lamb, author...
Children are more anxious, aggressive, and shut down than ever.Faced with this epidemic of emotional health crises and behavioural problems, teachers are asking themselves what went wrong. Why have we...
Danger rings in the New Year in these two suspenseful novellas Alive After New Year by Hannah Alexander An anonymous note demands millions of dollars–and in return, Lynley Marshall...
Good tidings for Christmas and a lethal New Year Silent Night, Deadly Night by Hannah Alexander After sabotage strikes the Vance Rescue...
Bé sẽ được lắng nghe câu chuyện của Hetty hồn nhiên, tốt bụng qua câu chuyện Voi con học leo cây. Voi con Hetty từng tự ti vì mình không thể leo cây nhưng rồi bé nhận ra "Giá trị của voi không nhất thiết...
Key issues for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Practical help and the latest research from the NCT What you eat and drink in pregnancy and the choices you need to make may seem like a minefield...
La philosophe Hannah Arendt, auteur des Origines du totalitarisme, couvrit à sa demande le procès d’Eichmann à Jérusalem en 1961 pour le compte du New Yorker. Le livre qui en est l’aboutissement, Eichmann...
In this remarkable tale of hope and survival, Hannah Luce tells how, as the sole survivor of a terrible plane crash, she came to grips with her faith: “a calamitous, fascinating memoir, written with surprising...
É de tempos remotos a utilização de amuletos, talismãs e patuás, para potencializar a consecução de algum benefício muito desejado, e até mesmo para auxiliar na cura e prevenção de doenças. A popularidade...
'Absolute, utter perfection' Chloe Liese, bestselling author of Only and Forever'Real and raw...swoon-worthy romance.' Bal KhabraA married couple joins a week-long wilderness expedition to help them reconnect...
A princess destined to do her duty, even if it costs her everything. An heir determined to prove himself before he takes the throne. A prince determined to protect his people by blood and by blade. A...
Se você está em busca de uma vida cristã mais plena e satisfatória, este livro é para você. Hannah Whitall Smith oferece uma visão profunda e prática sobre como viver em paz e alegria, independentemente...
Es geht um den Umgang mit Grenzen, Grenzen, die andere setzen, die man selber hat und die man überwinden muss / möchte.
Longtemps tenue à l’écart du monde académique, l’œuvre de Hannah Arendt – désormais largement publiée et traduite – suscite aujourd’hui l’intérêt d’un nombre considérable de travaux, colloques et publications...
Acht ausgesuchte Geschichten werden zwischen diesen Buchdeckeln erzählt. Davon, wie einfache Gräser ihr Leben in die Hand nehmen und etwas Besonderes werden, von einer kleinen Spinne, die sich nach Freundschaft...
Begleite Sehr-Ängstlich auf ihrem Weg aus dem Dorf Demütigung auf die Höhen, wo die Liebe wohnt. Dazu braucht sie aber Füsse wie ein Hirsch, wovon die Hindin das weibliche Gegenstück ist. Ihre Verwandten,...
Depression is the most common psychological problem in the UK with 1 in 5 people requiring treatment during their lives. Coping with Depression is their essential first port of call.Depression can be...
The greatest need of the primary school to-day is some positive content or subject matter of instruction. The popular conception of such a school is that its main function is to teach the young child...
A company culture book for leaders meets a professional self-help book for the whole team, The Future is Human shares the essentials to creating a people-first workplace. "The new way of working is already...
Exam board: OCRLevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018An OCR endorsed textbookTrust Ben Walsh to guide you through the 9-1 GCSE specification and motivate your...
Qui est Leilani et quelle est son histoire ? Quel est le secret de tante May ? Vous découvrirez la réponse à ces questions en lisant la nouvelle saga de Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, signée Taylor...
Un milliardaire à marier, Miranda LeeAu premier regard, Holly est tombée amoureuse du richissime Richard Crawford. Or Richard a été clair : il est incapable d’éprouver de l'amour. En revanche, il est...
Brûlante passion de Sandra FieldDissimulée dans le parc de Willowbend, Karyn se demande comment entrer en contact avec sa sœur jumelle dont elle vient tout juste d’apprendre l’existence, quand surgit...
Traduction de Hannah Betjeman. Dossier pédagogique de Cédric Hannedouche. Lors d’un voyage au pôle Nord, Robert Walton vient en aide à Victor Frankenstein. L’homme lui raconte alors son histoire. Passionné...
____________How do you apply game theory to select who should be on your Christmas shopping list ? Can you predict Her Majesty's Christmas Message? Will calculations show Santa is getting steadily thinner...
* Ab 6 Jahren * In vielen Familien läuft es ähnlich wie bei Frieda: Papa ist gestresst. Dann wird er laut und sogar grob. Mama und die Geschwister haben Angst vor Papas Donnerwetter und wissen sich nicht...
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