Pantalla :
"Um profundo desgosto" é um conto sobre um cachorrinho, um pug, que é muito amado por sua amante e maltratado por seus netos, e seu enterro. Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro. Hans...
The new year had begun and January was already nearing its end, but it was still very cold. The sparrows found it strange, that the men had declared that it was the new year, as everyone knows that the...
The Ugly Duckling (1842) tells the story of a duckling who is rejected by everyone, including his family, because he looks different. Tired of being made fun of, he decides to go far, far away, but the...
There was once an emperor who was only interested in one thing, his clothes. He spent all his money on his outfits and had a different one for every time of day and every occasion. One day, two thieves...
At the bottom of the ocean lived the sea king, his old mother and his six daughters. They lived in a beautiful castle, surrounded by a big garden, of which each daughter took care of a small corner. The...
My friend Ole was an intelligent curious man with a great deal of knowledge. He had never obtained what he wanted from Men so he retired and lived as a hermit, alone at the top of a church tower. I will...
Once there was a pastor who always gave terrifying sermons. He promised that sinners would burn in hell and, in his eyes, everyone had committed sufficient wrongs to deserve this punishment. Despite his...
There were two cockerels on the farm: one lived in the henhouse and the other was a weather vane. Both thought they were better than the other, but what was the truth?
The king’s daughter decided to marry the man who could best arrange his words. Two brothers, full of hope and well-prepared, set out to ask for her hand, when suddenly the third brother, Jack, joined...
An old man called Kribble-Krabble observed a drop of water in a puddle in a ditch through a magnifying glass. And it kribbled and krabbled and when things were not as he wanted, he used witchcraft and...
No fundo do oceano, viviam o rei do mar, sua mãe e suas seis filhas. Eles viviam em um lindo castelo, cercado por um grande jardim, do qual cada filha tomava conta de uma parte. A pequena sereia, a princesa...
Sir Michael Caine reads "Little Claus and Big Claus". There are two men called Claus in the town. To tell them apart, one is called Big Claus, because he has four horses and the other one is nicknamed...
Sir Roger Moore narrates "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," which tells the story of one tin soldier, who despite being exactly the same as all of his many brothers, finds himself setting out alone, by accident,...
Emma Samms narrates "The Tinderbox", the story of a soldier who meets a wicked witch on his way home from the war . She promises him great riches if he is willing to dive into the bottom of a hollow tree...
Ewan McGregor reads "The Little Match Girl", a story about a poor little girl who is sent by her parents to sell matches in the street. It is Christmas Eve and it is very cold, but she dares not return...
David Walliams reads Hans Christian Andersen most famous fairy tale: "The Little Mermaid". At the bottom of the ocean lives the sea king, his old mother and his six daughters. They live in a beautiful...
Joanna Lumley reads "The Snow Queen". One day, a diabolical troll builds a mirror that shows everything that is beautiful as ugly and all that is good as evil. Delighted, the trolls decided to carry this...
"There was once the son of a king who had many books, no one had more and no one had more beautiful: everything that had happened in the world, he could learn of it and see it represented in amazing pictures....
Co všechno se může přihodit, než se zvěsti o vytrženém pírku dostanou z jednoho slepičího kurníku do druhého? Přesvědčte se na vlastní uši, jakou spoušť dokáží natropit zvědavé slepice, pomluvy a pírko,...
Uma mulher queria ter um filho, mas sem saber como, pediu ajuda a uma bruxa. A bruxa deu a ela uma semente de cevada e mandou plantá-la. Pouco depois, uma grande tulipa cresceu. Quando se abriu, a mulher...
„Za devatero horami a devatero řekami žil v zemi, kam na zimu odlétají vlaštovky, král. Měl jedenáct synů a jednu dceru, Elisu.“ Tak začíná příběh o Elise a jejích bratrech. Všichni žili spokojeně na...
Em noites aconchegantes de inverno, aproveite uma seleção de contos de Natal incríveis do querido autor Hans Christian Andersen. Os autores de literatura infantil mais conhecidos vão levar você para um...
In het dorp waren er twee mannen die Klaas heetten. Om ze uit elkaar te houden, heette de ene Grote Klaas, omdat hij vier paarden bezat, en de andere Kleine Klaas, omdat hij er maar één had. Dit is hun...
Een vrouw wilde een kind, maar wist niet hoe ze dat aan moest pakken, dus vroeg ze een heks om hulp. De heks gaf haar een gerstzaadje en vertelde haar om dit te planten. Nauwelijks had ze dit gedaan of...
Een prins wilde een echte prinses vinden, maar ondanks zijn reizen rond de wereld, vol met prinsessen, kon hij echte geen echte prinses vinden. Dus keerde hij terug naar huis, verdrietig en met lege handen....
O poeta Homero, autor de Ilíada e Odisseia, está enterrado próximo à Esmirna, na Turquia. Neste canto esquecido do mundo, uma linda roseira cresce e uma de suas rosas traz sonhos especiais à noite. Este...
Na cidade de Florença, há uma estátua de bronze de um javali e pela sua boca sai água aparada pelos moradores da cidade. Em uma noite, um pobre garoto veio beber e encontrou um pedaço de alface e algumas...
Todas as crianças da região conheciam o rio Odense e todas sabiam sobre o sino que poderia ser encontrado lá. Há muito tempo, o sino, cansado, caiu da viga e aterrissou no rio, no local que hoje é conhecido...
Estávamos no mês de maio e a primavera havia chegado, embora ainda estivesse frio. As flores estavam desabrochando, mas nem todas as flores recebem o mesmo elogio. Alguns diriam que existe uma diferença...
De geração para geração, as cegonhas compartilham histórias. Duas são mais ouvidas que outras: a primeira é sobre Moisés, muito conhecida, mas a segunda nem tanto. Essa história é antiga, de quando um...
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