Harriet Tyce grew up in Edinburgh and studied English at Oxford University before doing a law conversion course at City University. She practised as a criminal barrister in London for nearly a decade, and subsequently completed an MA in Creative Writing - Crime Fiction at the University of East Anglia. She lives in north London. Her first novel, Blood Orange, published in 2019 to huge critical acclaim and her second and third novels The Lies You Told and It Ends at Midnight have both been Sunday Times bestsellers. A Lesson in Cruelty is her fourth novel.
Unperturbador yabsorbente thriller queexplora elpoder deldeseo,loscelos y lavenganza.Solounanochemás y lodejo.
Alison tiene un marido entregado, una hija adorable y una carrera en ascenso como abogada: le acaban de confiar su primer caso de homicidio. Pero bebe demasiado. Descuida...
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