Born in 1983 in Normandy, Hélène Canac now lives in the ultimate city of bande dessinée, Angoulême. After studying in graphic design, advertising, and publishing in Rouen, she decided to round out her studies and obtained a diploma in digital production. She then worked in animation for ten years, namely with Ankama Animations. Today, she also works in children's book illustration, where she hones her specific graphic universe: colorful, dynamic, and fanstastical. "Rainbow Girls" is her first series with Dupuis (Europe Comics in English, 2021). When she's not drawing, she's on social media, creating comics tutorials for eager learners.
Léna et son petit frère Victor n’ont jamais vu le soleil. Leur mamie, avec qui ils vivent, leur a raconté ce qu’était autrefois ce gros ballon tout jaune dans le ciel. Mais il se cache depuis longtemps derrière la montagne. Ils décident alors de partir à la rencontre de ce soleil...
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