Henning R. Jensen is a qualified electrical engineer (M.Sc) and a Carnegie Mellon certified Enterprise Architect with 22 years experience in IT and business development.
With many years of experience in communicating contexts and complex technologies to both tech¬nical and non-technical colleagues and customers, Henning has the ability to describe in easy-to-understand language how the connection between the physical and non-physical worlds can be understood with the help of quantum physics.
Phenomena that would traditionally be understood as supernatural can actually be explained logically and scientifically.
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Vi er skabere af vores liv via vores tanker, følelser og overbevisninger, fordi disse skaber og udsender energi, som påvirker os selv og vores omgivelser. Kvantefysikken har vist os, at enhver tanke udsender energi i form af elektromagnetiske bølger...
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