Henry F. De Sio, Jr. will make an outstanding spokesperson for THECHANGEMAKER PLAYBOOK. He has been a commentator and keynote speaker on individual and organizational achievement. He was featured as a 75-minute segment of CSPAN's Road to the White House, has been a guest on Alan Colmes' national radio broadcast, and has headlined at such impressive venues as the Skoll World Forum in Oxford, the Asia Leadership Conference in Seoul (along with George W. Bush and Gerhard Schroeder), and the Global Child Forum at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, by invitation of the King and Queen. He has spoken at The Hague and at the Start-up Columbia Festival. He is an Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar, his op-eds have appeared in Newsweek, Reuters and The Hill, and he has been a contributor to Forbes and Entrepreneur
Our one-leader-at-a-time past has given way to a present reality where everyone has the potential to lead in every aspect of life. We all have at our fingertips the tools of change that were once available to just a few - and The shift from one-leader-at-a-time to everyone-leading-in-every-moment...
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