Powie?? science fiction Herberta George’a Wellsa przedstawia perypetie szalonego naukowca, któremu udaje si? wynale?? sposób na uzyskanie niewidzialno?ci. Niestety eksperyment wymyka si? spod kontroli,...
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne and...
This book was written in 1899, and is one of the last science-fiction books Wells wrote before his turn towards social realism in his writing. In this dystopian novel, Graham falls into a coma-like sleep,...
For Mr Britling, eccentric and vivacious writer, the summer of 1914 consisted of long, hot days and luxurious house parties with a host of international guests to entertain him. And when he tired of this,...
One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, „The War of the Worlds” helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. Thirty-five million miles into space,...
La visita meravigliosa è un romanzo del 1895 di H.G. Wells. Con un angelo per protagonista - una creatura di fantasia diversa dall'angelo religioso - e ambientato nell'Inghilterra contemporanea, il libro...
Arthur Kipps, an orphaned draper’s assistant of humble means, unexpectedly inherits a large sum of money and that is when all his troubles begin. After being left a fortune by a rich uncle, Kipps finds...
Wells’s satire on literature, „Boon” was originally published under the pseudonym Reginald Bliss; a follow-up to the Fabian-savaging „The New Machiavelli”. It purports, however, to be by the fictional...
L'Île du Docteur Moreau, proposé ici dans une nouvelle traduction moderne, fluide et vivante, est un roman de science-fiction écrit par l’auteur anglais H.G. Wells et publié en 1896. Récit à la première...
This story is essentially the history of the opening and of the realisation of the Great War as it happened to one small group of people in Essex, and more particularly as it happened to one human brain....
"The Red Room" is a short gothic story written by H. G. Wells in 1894. It was first published in the March 1896 edition of "The Idler" magazine.
In una cittadina della provincia inglese il Vicario, esperto ornitologo, spara a un angelo, proveniente evidentemente da un’altra dimensione, credendolo un uccello raro, ferendolo...
„The Dream” by H.G Wells follows the character, Sarnac, who lives a whole other life as Harry Mortimer Smith. Sarnac is at the height of his career as a scientist by discovering new research. Sarnac goes...
Apparso all’alba del secolo ventesimo, Tales of space and time è un testo fondativo della science fiction. I racconti che compongono quest’opera di Wells, godibilissimi e avvincenti, per certi versi perturbanti,...
A soul-corrupting evil invades the remote English village of Cainsmarsh, infesting the minds of the local residents. Dark events are plaguing its people. An elderly woman stiffens in dread at her own...
Considered one of Wells most successful attempts at a social novel in the vein of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray, Wells’s tale is a panoramic view of an unravelling society. A semi-autobiographical...
Mr. Parham is a university academic of the traditional, classical sort, very much a snob and unhappy with many of the social trends of the time. Sir Bussy Woodcock is a self-made millionaire of sharp...
Romanzo del 1896 nel quale tuttavia ravvisiamo già la progettualità utopica che in Wells è insieme desiderio di giustizia, di ordine, di efficienza raggiungibili solo attraverso un’evoluzione societaria...
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output included...
Nell’Inghilterra di fine Ottocento, uno scienziato e inventore svela ai suoi più stretti amici di aver costruito un mezzo capace di viaggiare nel tempo e di aver “navigato” fino a raggiungere l’anno 802701,...
Sämtliche in der Klassiker-Reihe der ofd edition veröffentlichten Werke wurden aufwendig neu editiert und zugleich den aktuellen Rechtschreibregeln angepasst. Vorangestellte inhaltliche Analysen und Autorenportraits...
H. G. Wells: Der Krieg der Welten | Neuerscheinung 2019, neu editiert, in aktualisierter Rechtschreibung | Weil die Ressourcen ihres eigenen Planeten, des Mars, aufgebraucht sind, überfällt eine überlegene...
Le Novelle straordinarie del grande visionario H.G. Wells qua contenute sono: Il microbo rubato, Un’orchidea straordinaria, L’Osservatorio di Avu, Affare di struzzi, Il fabbricante di diamanti, L’isola...
La mort venue du cielVoilà plusieurs jours que des projectiles précis et réguliers frappent la Terre depuis la Planète Rouge. Dans la petite bourgade d’Ottershaw en Angleterre, le Professeur Ogilvy a...
Հայ ընթերցողին ավելի հայտնի են Հերբերթ Ուելսի «Անտեսանելի մարդը», «Պատերազմ օդում» գիտաֆանտաստիկ վեպերը, «Ռուսաստանը մշուշի մեջ» ակնարկը։ Գրքում մեկտեղված են հեղինակի՝ հայերենով լույս տեսած պատմվածքները։
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