Pantalla :
Este volume traz ao leitor brasileiro uma visão sintética de três importantes sistemas de educação superior. Alemanha, Estados Unidos e França foram os países escolhidos pela relevância que tiveram na...
Orgoglio tossico è un atto d’accusa alla cultura del potere maschile che giustifica e sostiene la violenza. In questa essenziale riflessione filosofica e pratica, Martha C. Nussbaum mostra come il vizio...
D. C. Muecke, professor de literatura, analisa de modo sistemático e exaustivo com exemplos relevantes da literatura internacional, o conceito de ironia desde o seu aparecimento em Platão até a atualidade....
In "Animal Spirits" H C Yip presents a satirical portrayal of office politics through the use of animal characters in a bank setting. The book dives deep into the intense competition and self-centeredness...
Partly inspired by the acclaimed fiction of Kurt Vonnegut, Joy Williams, and Lydia Davis, Bodies in Recline explores the full range of human emotions and behavior in a style imbued with profound irony...
Now You See It – Now You Don'tThe crew are asked by Wahnee to investigate a planet that has disappeared – and they find one actually hasChangesThe son of Net, book five, decides to become a sorcerer....
Kidnapping the brother of a mob boss was madness. If only it had stayed that simple.It had all gone wrong. Sent as a mercenary to kidnap Kirith Martinelli from his tropical island home, Landon finds himself...
Le dinamiche evolutive che investono la città contemporanea pongono indiscussione le discipline del progetto, in particolare quando certi fenomenisuperano il nesso tra luoghi, politiche e strumenti d’intervento....
Rake Cunningham, a chip-enhanced detective, upgraded to sniff through paranoid-conspiracy theories to know which ones are worth following up, stumbles upon a case that is no typical example of corporate...
Between Malachi and Matthew is a span of at least 400 years. When we arrive at the Gospels, we read of Pharisees, Romans, and synagogues, none of which were present in the Old Testament.The Intertestamental...
Two epics in one hardcover as Conan the mercenary faces hideously transformed wizards and undead creatures in action-packed fantasy combining Robert E. Howard's trademark sword and sorcery with concepts...
I am Artemis, Guardian of the Forbidden Forest.I am fearless.I am feared.And I do not fail. day, I do. And it's not me who pays the price. Now, I must work with Ace, a man I loathe, to track...
"Social Impact of Mobile Phones in the Digital Age" is a thought-provoking exploration of the profound influence that mobile phones have had on our society. This book delves into the various aspects of...
Es gibt sie, die Blutzauberer. Mit dem Tod ihrer Großmeisterin, begibt sich Runa auf eine große Reise in der sie viele Freunde findet, aber auch große Verluste erleidet. Zusammen mit ein paar anderen...
DA AUTORA BEST-SELLER DO THE NEW YORK TIMES PELA SÉRIE HOUSE OF NIGHT A padaria de Lina em Tulsa não está dando lucro – e ela precisa de um plano para salvar o negócio. Ao se deparar com um livro de...
DA AUTORA BEST-SELLER DO THE NEW YORK TIMES PELA SÉRIE HOUSE OF NIGHT Não é um dedo verde que mantém as rosas da família Empousai desabrochando há séculos, mas sim as gotas de sangue que suas mulheres...
Mesmo a Deusa do Amor pode se apaixonar... Minha deusa, Pea Chamberlain precisa desesperadamente de uma transformação completa! Os sapatos, os cabelos, as roupas, a maquiagem: tudo é um desastre e, desse...
AUTORA PREMIADA DO THE NEW YORK TIMES, P. C. CAST CONTINUA A SÉRIE GODDESS COM MAIS UM FANTÁSTICO LIVRO As deusas Hera, Atena e Vênus entraram na Guerra de Troia, presenciando uma devastação sem precedentes....
DA AUTORA BEST-SELLER DO THE NEW YORK TIMES PELA SÉRIE HOUSE OF NIGHT A fotojornalista Isabel, cansada da vida que levava até então, decide voltar à sua terra natal, Oklahoma. No caminho para casa, porém,...
DA AUTORA BEST-SELLER DO THE NEW YORK TIMES PELA SÉRIE HOUSE OF NIGHT Um romance encantador, em tons dourados, entre um deus e uma humana.Cansada de encontros com egocêntricos, a designer de interiores,...
very unusual family saga written with unusual intelligence and compassion. Erica Witsell has a gift for depicting complex relationships. -Phyllis Rose, author of Parallel Lives, The Year of Reading Proust,...
After the exciting romance between Daniel and Julie in Crazy For You, it's time for us to get to know the story of Johanna and Zach. She is an entertainment lawyer. He, a seductive businessman, business...
Une romance qui vous fera rire, pleurer, tomber amoureux et croire que le véritable amour surmonte tout. Surtout le mal.Le passage de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte est une étape importante pour chaque...
Krieg und Frieden existieren nebeneinander, wie es leider oft der Fall ist. Es ist eine besondere Geschichte, weil sie uns alle berührt. Sie füllt die Herzen mit Trauer und die Augen mit Tränen. Am Ende...
This book is a collection of short stories of travel, adventure, and growing up as an Italian Catholic. The author tells stories of her great grandparents that came to America, and how it was literally...
Den vackra och oskuldsfulla, Madeline Brazier, reser från Stockholm till Chicago för att lära känna en släkt som hon aldrig tidigare har träffat, och för att göra anspråk på en del av det arv som hennes...
Poesie, die das Leben spiegelt. Ob Alltagssituationen, Gesellschaftskritik, Glück und Liebe, Tod und Traurigkeit, in diesem umfassendem Sammelband findet sich zu jeder Lebenssituation das passende Gedicht.
Nach einer Überdosis verschlägt es Angel ins Licht und sie trifft auf ihren Führungsengel. Bleiben darf sie nicht. Ein Zurück gibt es aber auch nicht. Sie kann jedoch zum höheren Wesen aufsteigen und...
Neu übersetzt und überarbeitet. Die alten hinduistischen Philosophie und Yoga-Lehren besagen, dass es im menschlichen Körper subtile übersinnliche Sinnesorgane gibt, welche die psychische Energie und...
Bei der Geburt des ersten Knaben in der Geschichte der Menschheit wurde aus dessen Blut und Seele ein Amulett aus Gold gegossen, das eine Macht besitzt, die das gesamte Universum in den Schatten stellt....
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