Pantalla :
Die junge Alisia fragt sich, ob eine Entscheidung für etwas, automatisch auch eine Entscheidung gegen etwas anderes ist. Für die Liebe eines Mannes, aber gegen die Liebe der Eltern. Oder umgekehrt? Muss...
Et si Jules Verne avait raison ! Si son récit "Voyage au centre de la Terre" n'était que l'aboutissement merveilleusement maquillé d'une connaissance interdite? Se pourrait-il qu'il représente ainsi...
Corinna ist seit drei Jahren mit Lorenz verheiratet. Schon vorher hat sie als Pornodarstellerin gearbeitet und übt diesen Beruf auch weiterhin aus. Findet sie die Liebe in ihrem Leben in ihrem Beruf,...
Amy has her hands full working at Barks 'n' Books during the busy holiday season. So when a loose puppy comes running right at her with a Great Dane in fast pursuit, it's just another day at work.Or is...
Carrie was happy to leave small-town life and the boy who broke her heart behind, but when her mother is seriously injured in a car accident she returns to take care of her mom and the puppy she just...
The minute Becky sees the adorable St. Bernard puppy, Cupid, at the pound, she just has to save him. Problem is, the wait period isn't up for the pup's current owner to claim him. (Obviously a horrible,...
Each Wednesday morning they take the bus--the lonely graduate student, the Marine trying to start a new life in the corporate world, the elderly woman on her way to the senior center, and the exhausted...
When Sarah's puppy Checkers runs off across a crowded street, she thinks that's it. Fortunately, a handsome stranger comes to the rescue.A handsome stranger that would be just perfect for Sarah if only...
Julia lives for her puppy Maisey. And there's nothing the golden retriever puppy likes more than going to the dog park so she can play and chase squirrels.But when they meet a labradoodle, Frodo, and...
When Katie's sales job required her to travel non-stop, she couldn't imagine giving up her puppy, Gunner. So she took him with her. And they've done well together, but now her boss wants her to make a...
Claire thinks she's found the perfect man for both her and her pup, Rocky. But sometimes looks can be deceiving and the man you look right past is better than the one who seems picture-perfect... This...
Uli Mümmelmann ist ein junges Hasenmädchen. Zur Osterzeit hat sie einfach keine Lust weiter Ostereier zu bemalen. Zu schön ist es am ruhigen Waldesrand. Gerade jetzt, da auch die Kinder seit Tagen nicht...
Jeder kennt und liebt den "Kleinen Prinzen" von Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Das Original, als Kunstmärchen einem Erwachsenen gewidmet, ist also eher eine literarische Kuschelvariante für kindlich-emotionale...
First contact didn't go as planned…Time Gate 8, one of humanity's portals between the stars, has been overrun by a mysterious alien intelligence, and the planet Luddeccea is now cut off.Haunted by those...
The Leader Who Rules Chaos, Rules the Realms… Two years ago Loki, God of Mischief and Chaos, destroyed a large chunk of Chicago's financial district and then vanished into thin air. He still has not been...
The Darkness is coming …When it strikes, Volka, Carl, 6T9 and Sundancer will have to join forces with an unlikely ally to learn the key to defeating it. An ally that is cold, cunning and despises all...
The Darkness will strike again …The last time Carl, Volka, and 6T9 fought the Dark, 6T9 failed Volka. If he wants her and all the carbon based life forms that he loves to survive, he needs to change....
Magic is real, and Marcia's life is a fairy tale. Except, according to her stepdaughter, she's the wicked stepmother. Undermined by a meddling godmother, Marcia is struggling to raise three teenagers...
Chaos can never really be destroyed ...Loki, God of Chaos, gave Amy Lewis all his memories, and one request before he saved the universe. "Remember for me."Amy knows Loki will find her, one way or another...
The day of reckoning is coming …Commander Noa Sato has almost reached the Kannukah Cloud. Within hours her crew may be able to reach Sol System through a hidden time gate. If they make it, she and her...
The final installment of the Cera story arc.The noose around Loki's neck is tightening. Gerðr wants him dead; Cera, the World Seed, wants his head—literally and figuratively; the FBI wants him in Guantanamo;...
At the edge of the galaxy, a research station has gone dark…Volka, 6T9, and Carl Sagan are called to help in the rescue mission … A mission that triggers telepathic nightmares in their starship so terrifying...
Jeune adulte à présent, Mitsouko nous raconte son histoire. Elle revient sur plus de cinq ans de harcèlement et essaie, du mieux qu'elle peut, en s'aidant de son expérience, d'aider les jeunes qui vivent...
"YON!" Es ist die Stimme eines Mädchens, die durch seinen Kopf hallt. Sie ruft ein und denselben Namen. Immer und immer wieder. Sie quält ihn, lässt ihn nicht in Ruhe. "Ich heiße Blau!", schreit er....
Das WaLePro-Prinzip Durch mehrere Fehlentscheidungen und Rückschläge wurde ich des öfteren in meinem Leben weit zurückgeworfen. Also überlegte ich mir eine Lösung für meine Probleme. Und jetzt möchte...
Die Wege der alleinerziehenden Teenagermutter Victoria und des bekannten Filmstars und Frauenlieblings Mark kreuzen sich nach zwei Jahren Gefühlschaos zufällig wieder. Wird sie ihm vom gemeinsamen Sohn...
De l'utilité de nos lectures quotidiennes... Un recueil de citations est avant tout une invitation au voyage, un périple réalisé au gré de notre imagination et de nos expériences.
Hallo, ich bin Capper und ich erzähle euch Geschichten aus meinem Hundeleben. Mein Frauchen, Herrchen und die Familie haben Spaß mit mir und an mir. Ich lebe in einem Haus mit vielen Familienmitgliedern....
Are you ready to take on the management role in your company? Or are you currently a manager but is struggling with your position?This book provides the good and bad qualities of the manager, key responsibilities...
It was the end of the world as he knew it, but he did not feel fine.There were no earthquakes, or birds or snakes or airplanes, but he was still afraid.One day, everything just stopped working. Lights....
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