INGE KONGE LUDVIGSEN is a psychotherapist, specialist in Sandplay, coaching, supervisor and consultant in WholeWorldPlayÒ and Family Constellations. She is also a Master Trainer in NLP, NLP University (United States). She is the founder of Yes2Life Center in Denmark, a four- year training program in NLP integrated with sandplay, early trauma release & family constellation, leading to the degree of Integrative Psychotherapist, recognized by the Danish Society of Psychotherapy, since 2007. She also does coaching training. She has 25 years of psychotherapeutic and teaching experience and is a member of the Danish Society of Psychotherapy and the European Association of Psychotherapy. She gives trainings internationally: the Netherlands, Finland, Canada, the United States, Greenland and Chile. She is co-author with Wim Beek of Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy, published by Dreamcraft Editors in 2011.
En una relación de pareja no solo intervienen dos personas. Numerosos guiones psicológicos inconscientes del ámbito colectivo y mandatos heredados de la historia familiar inciden en nuestra forma de vivir el amor, una de las más significativas experiencias humanas. Así, no es difícil...
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