Pantalla :
Ivan Gontšarovin (1812 - 1891) Tavallinen juttu kuuluu venäläisten klassikkoteosten parhaimmistoon. Kirjailija itse arvioi, että hänen kolme tunnetuinta teostaan Tavallinen juttu, Oblomov ja Jyrkänne...
Illustrated Edition: Features 20 unique illustrations, visually bringing to life the essence of each chapter. Includes Comprehensive Summary: A concise yet thorough summary to enhance understanding...
What is this place we inhabit? More importantly, how does it work, and why are we here? Experience this reality through the perspective of an ordinary man. From Religion and Science, Education and Words,...
In the opening chapters of The Winemaker's Dinner: Appetizers, sparks flew for Jaden Thorne the minute her eyes landed on a handsome stranger across the dance floor. Dr. Ivan Rusilko tells his side of...
In this prize-winning portrait of a time and place—Montana in the 1930s—that at once inspires and fulfills a longing for an explicable past, Ivan Doig has created one of the most captivating families...
The central volume in Ivan Doig's acclaimed Montana trilogy, Dancing at the Rascal Fair is an authentic saga of the American experience at the turn of this century and a passionate, portrayal of the immigrants...
Avec Les dessous du terrorisme international d’Ivan Matekalo, démarre une nouvelle collection de grands documents contemporains : Copyright. Pourquoi avoir adopté ce symbole de la protection des droits...
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
À l’heure où tous les candidats au baccalauréat révèlent une incapacité à comprendre les grands problèmes et les œuvres de ceux qui ont tenté de les résoudre, on ne peut que se poser la question : la...
Do you like freedom and flexibility? Do you like to spend more time with your family and friends, and make six figures per year? As a loan signing agent this is possible.With minimum investment and zero...
Quel est le point commun entre Voltaire et One Piece, Epicure et Assassination Classroom, Socrate et Death Note ou encore Sartre et My Hero Academia ?Que ce soit Luffy, Koro-sensei, Light ou encore Deku,...
Em "Bitcoin & Criptomoedas: O Guia Definitivo para Iniciantes", o autor Ivan Schroll desvenda os segredos do dinheiro digital com clareza e precisão, transformando iniciantes em participantes informados...
Dans 'Bitcoin & Cryptomonnaies: Le Guide Ultime pour les Débutants', l'auteur Ivan Schroll dévoile les secrets de l'argent numérique avec clarté et précision, transformant les débutants en participants...
In 'Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies: The Definitive Guide for Beginners,' author Ivan Schroll unveils the secrets of digital money with clarity and precision, transforming beginners into informed participants...
In 'Bitcoin & Criptovalute: La Guida Definitiva per Principianti', l'autore Ivan Schroll svela i segreti del denaro digitale con chiarezza e precisione, trasformando i principianti in partecipanti...
In 'Bitcoin & Kryptowährungen: Der ultimative Leitfaden für Anfänger' enthüllt der Autor Ivan Schroll die Geheimnisse des digitalen Geldes mit Klarheit und Präzision und verwandelt Anfänger in informierte...
Enajsta, pregledana in dopolnjena izdaja, popestrena z drobnimi zanimivostmi iz maestrovega poklicnega in zasebnega življenja, vključno z novimi fotografijami. Kot vselej pa – namenjena vsem, ki prisegajo...
Alexander Fedoritch Adouev is the naïve, pampered son of Anna Pavlovna, a provincial landowner. He decides to go off to Saint Petersburg, not only to make his mark upon society but also to fulfill his...
"The Torrents of Spring, also known as Spring Torrents (Russian: Вешние воды), is a novel written by Ivan Turgenev during 1870 and 1871 when he was in his fifties. The story centers around a young Russian...
Smoke is an 1867 novel by the highly acclaimed Russian writer Ivan Turgenev (1818–1883) that tells the gripping story of a secret love affair between a young betrothed Russian man and a young married...
The novel titled in Russian "Дворянское Гнездо" (Dvoryanskoye Gnezdo, sometimes translated as Home of the Gentry, A Nest of the Gentlefolk, A Nest of the Gentry) is considered a sequel to "Rudin". It...
The title of the novella is almost an adequate summary in itself. The "boy-meets-girl-then-loses-her" story is universal but not, I think, banal - despite a surprise ending which notoriously turns out...
Rudin is the first and perhaps least known novel by Ivan Turgenev, a famous Russian writer best known for his short stories and the novel Fathers and Sons. The story focuses on a romantic involvement...
Au printemps de 1868, vers une heure de l’après-midi, un jeune homme d’environ vingt-sept ans, négligemment et même pauvrement vêtu, montait par l’escalier de service d’une maison à cinq étages située...
In 2754 the Galactic Empire extends among the stars, dominating thousands of planets.Nothing could resist the expansion of the human race, that submitted every new alien race met in the galaxy with the...
L’immenso Impero Galattico è stato invaso. Le frontiere sono cadute sotto i colpi di una razza aliena. Solo un’impresa disperata può dare una speranza a migliaia di mondi. Il futuro si trova ora nella...
Un'enorme tempesta elettromagnetica spezza i collegamenti tra un pianeta e una colonia, che rimane isolata su un altro pianeta, lontano e freddo. Soltanto dopo trent'anni giunge sul posto una spedizione...
Anguila Loca, 1714. L’assassinio del valoroso Brutos Drucho, brutalmente trafitto da un dente di balenotto, è il colpo di cannone che darà inizio ad un’avventura piena di insidie. Il suo enigmatico testamento-mappa...
Écrit en 1923, ce texte relate le dernier séjour de Chméliov en Crimée, lieu de vacances qui fut jadis paradisiaque. La première vague partagea le butin, mais la seconde, celle de la terreur rouge, suivie...
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