Pantalla :
Una sintesi dello sviluppo delle tecnologie dell'informazione e comunicazione, che hanno influenzato le nostre vite in ambito sociale, lavorativo, economico ed ambientale
«Insomma questa ragazza esercitò un effetto incredibile su di me: i cattivi pensieri, la tristezza e ogni cosa balorda si volatilizzarono all’istante, quasi come se fossi caduto sotto la sua ipnosi. Era...
Ivan Goncharov's 'Oblomov' is a masterpiece of Russian literature, renowned for its portrayal of the titular character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a man paralyzed by lethargy and indecision. The novel captures...
Ivan Turgenev's 'First Love' is a poignant novella that delves into the complexities of first love, exploring themes of passion, innocence, and betrayal. The story is written in a concise and lyrical...
Ivan Poli analisa a dimensão religiosa das saudações às origens, os orikis, e do mundo dos orixás ao qual se associam, revelando o conteúdo humano, espiritual e social de ensinamentos que, com suas raízes...
"Une vie de compromis" vous plonge dans le parcours tumultueux d’un homme qui, du jour au lendemain, aspire à une liberté totale, sans les entraves de la société. Sa quête d’une plénitude absolue l’entraîne...
Here, humour is at times a parody, sometimes irony or otherwise filled with absurd situations. It belongs to a brand of universal humour connected to certain civilizational contexts or achievements rather...
What does it take to become a top-level student? The secret lies in reading this book.A product of more than 10 months' worth of research with students across many schools, this book is guaranteed to...
Gli eroi, classicamente individuati come frutto dell’incrocio sensuale fra dèi e uomini, sono fra le figure più importanti dell’epos di tutte le ère. Attraversano i millenni, dal Gilgamesh della mitologia...
Ace Lopez is from the poorest city in Columbia, Quindío. He was raised by his mother in a village of Quindío. The city is perceived as one of the poorest because they have to dig in several trash cans...
Dall’incontro di una primordiale Luce con l’oscurità più profonda ed assoluta, prese vita un mondo del tutto esordiente dominato dalla Dea Madre Ëiru: un ameno luogo distinto di una satura e sconfinata...
C’è del vero in ogni racconto, i nostri avi ci hanno sempre riempito dicuriosità sui loro tempi e con storie degne di un libro ma spesso talmentefomentate nello scorrere degli anni da risultare poco credibili...
This book provides vital information for those who want to be more effective in prayer. It examines the sins of the church within a historical context with the intention of identifying the sins of our...
A Children's Book to Remember!Hello, my name is Ivan Henry Cruz, BA. I decided to write this book at the age of 25.The book is about two Black-Footed Ferrets and a Mysterious Owl.There is a moral to the...
Complètement rétif aux mathématiques ? Allergique aux équations ou à la géométrie ? Les nombres premiers, les fractales, l’infini, Pi, vous n’avez jamais rien compris ? Laissez enfin les maths vous parler...
I Natursmut 2 er Liv og hendes venner ved vandkanten. Her finder de spændende sten, og de finder planter og dyr, der er skyllet op på stranden. Ved vandet er der mange andre oplevelser, der lokker: Du...
The author of the smash hit, The Floor is Lava, is back with 101 fun-filled, boredom-busting games to occupy the whole family during the summer holidays. Starting to get fed up of endless games of Would...
In 2014 zijn de Rechtvaardige Rechters reeds 80 jaar spoorloos verdwenen. Toch is dit paneel van het Lam Gods nog lang niet vergeten. Veel mensen zijn gefascineerd door het mysterie. Enkele maanden voor...
- Yes! Even though you’re hard working individual with not much free time you still can have sexy athletic body that will make others look astonished at you every time you put on a swim suit. It doesn’t...
- Simple yet very effective training program consisting of bodyweight exercises and yoga poses based on findings of Dr. Izumi Tabata from National Institute of Fitness and Sports(Tokio, Japan) that allows...
I am 31 years old. With a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. Have been in treatment, both with medicine and psychiatric placement. Despite this, I have managed to self publish a book entitled: Skizo,...
Le Phédon est le dialogue charnière de l’œuvre platonicienne. Avant lui, Platon se montre un fidèle disciple de Socrate. Mais, après la mort du maître, il entame un long périple autour de la Méditerranée,...
Illustrated Edition: Features 20 unique illustrations, visually bringing to life the essence of each chapter. Includes Comprehensive Summary: A concise yet thorough summary to enhance understanding...
What is this place we inhabit? More importantly, how does it work, and why are we here? Experience this reality through the perspective of an ordinary man. From Religion and Science, Education and Words,...
Meet Dr. Ivan Rusilko: He's a doctor at a world-class medical facility in Miami, he's got a killer apartment on Miami Beach that overlooks Biscayne Bay and the Miami skyline, and he's got a great group...
George Best was sheer magic. Plucked from the mean streets of Belfast by a canny old scout, he astonished everyone at Old Trafford with his unique gift for the game, bursting into Matt Busby's first team...
Le vendredi 20 janvier 2017, le 45e président américain prêtant serment sur les marches du Capitole, devant les caméras du monde entier, a de grandes chances, pour la première fois dans l'Histoire, d'être...
« Le voilà qui arrive. “Il Babbo”. Il n’a rien d’italien, c’est ma mère qui l’est à moitié. C’est elle qui l’a surnommé ainsi pour nous. Avec l’accent, en tirant sur le “a”. J’aime le sobriquet. Aux heures...
L'histoire du monachisme chrétien constitue une prodigieuse épopée, qui s'étend sur dix sept siècles et force l'admiration. Ce sont les moines d'Occident qui, au Moyen Âge, ont construit l'Europe économique...
Ce florilège de textes des plus grands mystiques franciscains du XIIIe au XXe siècle, met en lumière la spiritualité développée par saint François d'Assise : un grand attachement à la pauvreté, à l'humilité...
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