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J. M. Erickson - Libros y biografía

J.M. Erickson earned his bachelor's degree from Boston College, majoring in psychology and sociology, master's degree from Simmons University, School of Social Work, and post-graduate certification program in psychological trauma, clinical assessment and treatment from Boston University.
To date, he is a senior clinician in a private group practice in the Merrimack Valley, Andover, Massachusetts, and is a school counselor at a private high school in North Andover, Massachusetts, USA.

Más leídos del autor

Endless Fall of Night

Endless Fall of Night

Publicado el 7 de junio de 2024
2,99 €
IVA incluido
Based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, we see our future that shows striking similarities to this age of imperialism, classism, and capitalistic expansion where racism is commonplace, slavery exists, and a minority of people are in absolute power. Instead of Belgium Company's... Más información

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