Ver todos los libros de J. P. JOHNSON

J. P. JOHNSON - Libros y biografía

**J. P. Johnson lives on the island of Mallorca. A former bodyguard of military authorities and stockbroker, he now dedicates himself exclusively to literature. He is the author of the celebrated sagas "The Fifth Origin," "The Earth's Revenge," and "The Devil on the Island" (under his real name Joan Pont), as well as the self-help series "Yes, I Want. Yes, I Can" and the children's book "A Pet for Tom."**


**The Fifth Origin Series**

- Stonehenge

- Nefer-nefer-nefer

- An Inexperienced God

- The Dream of Ammut

- Gea (I)

- Gea (II)

**The Earth's Revenge Series**

- Mare Nostrum

- Abyssal

- Phantom

- A New World

- Ultra Neox

- Exodus

- Glacier

- The Girl from Gran Dolina


**The Devil on the Island Series**

1. The Devil on the Island

2. Vengeance

3. Dogs of War

- Benet. Jamm Session. (The first installment of detective Toni Benet)


**"Yes, I Want. Yes, I Can" Series** (Translated into multiple languages)

- How to Write Your First Book and Publish It Online

- Essential Tips for Economic Prosperity in Life

- Help, My Kid Wants to Be a YouTuber!

- The 12 Commandments of Independent Self-Publishing

**Youth Series**

- A Pet for Tom (translated into multiple languages)

Find J. P. Johnson at:

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- Twitter: @J_P_Johnson

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- Instagram: j.p.johnson1

Más leídos del autor

The Black Book. La Trilogía

The Black Book. La Trilogía

Publicado el 11 de febrero de 2025
0,99 €
IVA incluido
The Black Book. Una historia del Metaverso es una trilogía de J. P. Johnson que te sumergirá en una trepidante aventura donde el mundo real y el virtual colisionan.Cathy y Nuria, dos jóvenes de Palma de Mallorca, ven sus vidas cambiar radicalmente cuando reciben por error una fortuna... Más información

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