Pantalla :
Rediscover this renowned Grimm brothers fairy tale in its Hybrid'Book version, meaning a soundtrack synchronised with your reading, with ambient sounds, an original music score and illustrations. A new...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. In old times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that...
No library's complete without the classics! This new edition collects the legendary fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.They are the stories we've known since we were children. Rapunzel. Hansel and Gretel....
Delve into the rich tapestry of folklore with *Household Tales by Brothers Grimm*, a seminal collection that captures the enduring allure and profound wisdom encapsulated in fairy tales. These timeless...
Grimms' Fairy Tales presents a timeless tapestry of folklore, steeped in moral and mythic themes that traverse the realms of enchantment and the human condition. This anthology offers an extensive range...
Household Tales by Brothers Grimm is a captivating anthology that delves into the depths of human experience through a diverse array of folktales. This collection weaves together stories of morality,...
Grimms' Fairy Tales is a timeless anthology capturing the essence of folklore with its sprawling and enchanting narratives, extending their roots deep into the cultural and psychological fabrics of society....
Deux contes merveilleux et éminemment célèbres interprétés par la plume des frères Grimm, « Le petit chaperon rouge » suivi de « Hansel et Gretel », comme des contes qui nous accompagnent depuis notre...
Discover a Grimm brothers wonderful fairy tale with six ""super heroes"" in its Hybrid'Book version, meaning a soundtrack synchronised with your reading, with ambient sounds, an original music score and...
Il était une fois un meunier, un gentil garçon, une fille paresseuse ; il était une fois un soldat, un maître sorcier, une adorable fillette que tout le monde aimait ; un bûcheron pauvre et ses deux enfants...
Une édition de référence de Contes choisis de Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques. Ce livre recueille les Contes moraux, les Petites légendes pieuses...
Tra Natale e Capodanno ci si scambiano doni, è una tradizione, e tra i doni c’è spesso un’agenda per l’anno nuovo o un calendario, magari con immagini curiose, stuzzicanti: con cuccioli d’ogni genere;...
When Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published their Children's and Household Tales in 1812, followed by a second volume in 1815, they had no idea that such stories as "Rapunzel," "Hansel and Gretel," and "Cinderella"...
This Golden Deer Classics compilation contains over 500 classic fairy tales. CONTENTS: Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen by Aleksander Chodźko Fairy Books (Blue, Red, Yellow, Grey, Violet,...
Una raccolta di ben 365 delle più belle fiabe classiche di autori nazionali ed internazionali in un comodo e-book da portare ovunque con se. Comprende fiabe di Andersen, Basile, Beaumont, Capuana, Bechstein,...
Leçons de Vie : Une Collection de 11 Ouvrages Classiques nous offre une fascinante mosaïque des thèmes universels tels que la morale, l'innocence, et la sagesse intemporelle. En intégrant des textes variés...
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