Upon retirement from international finance James D. A. Terry embarked on a new journey into the esoteric and always interesting realm of the mystery adventure writer.
James lives in Ontario, Canada and enjoys reading, writing and travel.
The Curious Case of the Vanishing Victims, his first novel under his own name, is a fictional reminiscence of Justin Case, Termination Agent for the Tin Can Communications Company, set in the 1970s.
Disguised as the enigmatic and man of mystery, Solomon Knight, whose very raison d’être is to squeeze every last delicious drop out of life and always in search of adventure penned four books in a series about a 20th century International League of Paladins.
Evil Lurks in the Dark, the first in a series about modern day international paladins, is a book overflowing with mystery and action. Learn the origins of the International League of Paladins and their raison d'etre. Solve the riddle of the Ghost of Greyman Cottage; Plumb the depths to get to the bottom of the deep dark Secret at Sinister Lake; Death will point its bony finger at a murderer in Coffinsrise; and last but certainly not least, join our intrepid adventurers in the quest for the secret to the Philosopher's Stone.
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