James R. Hannibal is no stranger to deep dark secrets or hunting bad guys, having served in the US Air Force as a stealth bomber pilot and a Predator mission commander. Like Jack Buckles, James “suffers” from synesthesia, an intersection of the senses that was once considered a mental illness and often causes hyperobservance. If you bake him a cake, he might tell you that it smells blue and sticky—and you should take it as a compliment. You can learn more at TheLostPropertyOffice.com.
"Le scarabée mécanique envoyait de grosses décharges électriques. Jack se concentra. Tout sembla ralentir. Soudain, il put prédire les mouvements de l’insecte avant même qu’il ne bouge.
Il le frappa de plein fouet ; le scarabée bleu-vert tomba par terre. Un violent éclair en jaillit....
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