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James Stephens - Libros y biografía

James is a New Zealander. He was a teacher, actor, musician and music director, a journalist and event manager – as well as a husband, father and grandfather. He was a voracious reader, a fluent writer and confident speaker.

In 2015, he suffered a hemiparesis, a middle cerebral artery territory infarct.

In a word, a stroke.

He collapsed, paralysed on his right side, and couldn’t speak or write. The hospital intervention was rapid and his limbs were free but his speech was absent.

He had/has aphasia.

Aphasia is the loss of a previously held ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from damage to the brain caused by injury or disease – in this case, a stroke.

With expert therapists in speech, music and eurhythmy he has re-invented himself. He has a positive and optimistic outlook, electing to view his stroke as a ‘stroke of luck’. But his speech is still – suspect.

“My aphasia forced me to look at my life differently. My expected biography has changed. Now, I am an author – apparently.”


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La insurrección de Dublín

La insurrección de Dublín

Publicado el 22 de julio de 2021
10,00 €
IVA incluido
La insurrección de Dublín es un diario que refleja, en primera persona, cómo se vivió el Alzamiento de Pascua de abril de 1916 en la capital irlandesa, antecedente directo de la independencia del país respecto al Reino Unido. Hoy, más de cien años después, en un mundo dónde las naciones... Más información

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