"Go deeper with Christ" - that's the call from Jan Kern's heart for women today. As a wife and mother who has worked for twenty-five years alongside her husband at a ranch for troubled teens, she's had her share of challenges. In speaking to women's groups, she assures them they are not alone in their struggles and concerns and insists that the key to contentment is to stay close to the God who cares. "Life with God is quite an adventure," Jan says. "Yet, when you look closer, you catch a glimpse of His perfect plan." When she's not writing or teaching, Jan enjoys life in the country with her family and friends.
Ist der Dulsberg wirklich ein Berg? Fürchterliches soll in seinem Inneren vorgehen. Entsteht in ihm, wie manche vermuten, eine geheime Waffenfabrik? Der Senat hat seine Finger im Spiel, soviel ist sicher. Und wie verhält es sich mit einem mysteriösen Brief, der einen alten Rentner...
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