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Jann Rowland - Libros y biografía

Jann Rowland is a Canadian, born and bred. Other than a two-year span in which he lived in Japan, he has been a resident of the Great White North his entire life, though he professes to still hate the winters.

Though Jann did not start writing until his mid-twenties, writing has grown from a hobby to an all-consuming passion. His interests as a child were almost exclusively centered on the exotic fantasy worlds of Tolkien and Eddings, among a host of others. As an adult, his interests have grown to include historical fiction and romance, with a particular focus on the works of Jane Austen.

When Jann is not writing, he enjoys rooting for his favorite sports teams. He is also a master musician (in his own mind) who enjoys playing piano and singing as well as moonlighting as the choir director in his church’s congregation.

Jann lives in Alberta with his wife of more than twenty years, two grown sons, and one young daughter. He is convinced that whatever hair he has left will be entirely gone by the time his little girl hits her teenage years. Sadly, though he has told his daughter repeatedly that she is not allowed to grow up, she continues to ignore him.

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Más leídos del autor

Fate's Intervention

Fate's Intervention

Publicado el 28 de noviembre de 2024
4,49 €
IVA incluido
Lydia Bennet suffers a mishap as she is about to leave for Brighton, rendering her unable to keep her engagement. Despite Lydia's vocal distress for her misfortune, her sister, Elizabeth, can only feel relief at the knowledge that her family's respectability is safe for the moment.But... Más información

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