Jeanne Kalogridis was born in Florida in 1954. She earned a BA in Russian and an MA in Linguistics from the University of South Florida and went on to teach English as a Second Language at the American University in Washington, D.C. She now lives with her partner on the West Coast of the US, sharing a house with two dogs and a bird. Her interests include yoga, Tibatan Buddhism, the occult, languages, art, and reading everything ever published.
Intrigas, deslealtades, pasiones ilícitas y asesinatos en las alcobas de los Borgia, vistos por una noble españolaCuando Sancha de Aragón, la hija de Alfonso II, contrae segundas nupcias con Jofre Borgia, el hijo menor del papa Alejandro VI, esta joven española se convierte en testigo...
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