I was born in Fredericton, N.B. Canada and I'm in my twenties. I enjoy downtime with a fantasy novel, role playing game, or television drama, and some scotch.
I started writing after a long time of trying to find myself and what I wanted to do with my life. I've always had an active imagination, and love to create stories and entertain people. When looking into careers I was drawn to video game design, but, just before I started school, I found that the people that work in programming don't have much say in story. Because of that, I decided it wasn't for me.
After I found that I enjoyed writing a friend of mine challenged me to participate in a writing competition. It was during this competition that I started what would become Blackbeard's Freedom. I felt confident that others would enjoy Blackbeard's Freedom, and the subsequent series, so I decided to share it with the world. Now I've found my passion in life, and all I hope for is that people enjoy what I write.
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