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Jerome K. Jerome - Libros y biografía

Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in 1859 and was brought up in London. He started work as a railway clerk at fourteen, and later was employed as a schoolmaster, actor and journalist. He published two volumes of comic essays and in 1889 Three Men in a Boat. This was an instant success. His new-found wealth enabled him to become one of the founders of The Idler, a humorous magazine which published pieces by W W Jacobs, Bret Harte, Mark Twain and others. In 1900 he wrote a sequel, Three Men on the Bummel, which follows the adventures of the three protagonists on a walking tour through Germany. Jerome married in 1888 and had a daughter. He served as an ambulance driver on the Western Front during the First World War and died in 1927.

Collins Chillers

Macmillan Collector's Library

En serio

Essential Novelists

Literatura universal

Piccola Biblioteca del Sorriso



Liber Liber

La biblioteca dei ragazzi

La mala parte


Unabridged Start Publishing LLC

Más leídos del autor

Tres hombres en bicicleta

Publicado el 18 de enero de 2021
5,99 €
IVA incluido
George, Harry y Jerome protagonistas también de Tres hombres en una barca necesitados de un profundo cambio en sus vidas, emprenden un nuevo periplo: esta vez viajan a Alemania para desentrañar la idiosincrasia germana. Dados sus temples tan distintos, cada uno concurre con sus propios... Más información

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