Pantalla :
Jerome K. Jerome's 'The Cost of Kindness' is a thought-provoking novel centered around the themes of sacrifice and empathy. Set in the 19th century, the book follows the story of a wealthy aristocrat...
In 'The Philosopher's Joke' by Jerome K. Jerome, readers are taken on a whimsical journey of philosophical musings and clever humor. The book is infused with witty dialogue and insightful observations...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Passing of the Third Floor Back' is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complex dynamics of human relationships. Set in a boarding house in London, the story...
Three Men in a Boat is a humorous account by English writer Jerome K. Jerome of a two-week boating holiday on the Thames from Kingston upon Thames to Oxford and back to Kingston. The book was initially...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Malvina of Brittany' is a captivating novel set in medieval France, intertwining themes of romance, loyalty, and sacrifice. Jerome's writing style is highly engaging, with vivid descriptions...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'John Ingerfield, and Other Stories' is a collection of captivating tales rooted in the late 19th-century literary context. Jerome's storytelling prowess shines through in this work,...
In 'The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow' by Jerome K. Jerome, readers are treated to a collection of witty and humorous essays that ponder on various aspects of human nature and society. Jerome's writing...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Stage-Land' provides a fascinating and humorous insight into the world of the theatre. Written in a satirical and entertaining style, the book delves into the behind-the-scenes antics...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'The Love of Ulrich Nebendahl' is a captivating tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of a small German village. Jerome's witty and humorous writing style shines...
Jerome K. Jerome's 1909 novel 'They and I' is a witty and humorous exploration of the complexities of human relationships and societal expectations. Set in Edwardian England, the novel follows the protagonist...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'The Observations of Henry' is a witty and humorous collection of short stories that reflects the author's trademark style of blending light-hearted humor with astute observations on...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Passing of the Third Floor Back' is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into the lives of the residents of a boarding house in London. Through his clever and introspective...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'The Cost of Kindness' is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the sacrifices we make in the name of kindness. Set against...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Fanny and the Servant Problem' is a comedic play that spotlights the foibles of Edwardian society through the lens of a quirky household. With witty dialogue and farcical situations,...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'Tommy and Co' is a humorous and satirical novel that follows the misadventures of the young protagonist Tommy and his friends as they navigate the absurdities of everyday life. Written...
In Jerome K. Jerome's 'They and I,' readers are immersed in a charming and humorous narrative that explores the intricacies of social interactions and the complexities of human relationships. Written...
In Jerome K. Jerome's 'Woodbarrow Farm,' readers are immersed in a lighthearted and comical narrative that follows the misadventures of a group of friends who decide to try their hand at farming. Jerome's...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'On the Stage--and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor' offers a humorous and insightful look into the world of amateur acting in the late 19th century. Through a series of entertaining...
Jerome K. Jerome's 'The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow' is a collection of humorous essays that reflect on life's absurdities and mundane experiences. Written in a whimsical and light-hearted tone,...
"What we want," said Harris, "is a change." At this moment the door opened, and Mrs. Harris put her head in to say that Ethelbertha had sent her to remind me that we must not be late getting home because...
Quand le chasseur devient la proie.Mordu par la stryge qui a tué son père, John Gravestone pourrait bien devenir une créature des ténèbres si ce démon venait à parachever son œuvre. Pour le protéger,...
Cet ouvrage permettra aux étudiants de Licence en Droit de comprendre les principaux thèmes du Droit des biens grâce à 25 exercices d'application. Pour chaque thème abordé: L’essentiel : Des rappels...
Cet ouvrage permettra aux étudiants de Licence en Droit de comprendre les principaux thèmes du droit des obligations grâce à 41 exercices d'application. Pour chaque thème abordé: L’essentiel : Des rappels...
En parallèle de son activité de physiologiste, dont les travaux novateurs sur l'anaphylaxie lui ont valu le prix Nobel en 1913, Charles Richet s'est également voulu écrivain, constructeur et propagandiste...
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 - 1927) novel Anthony John was first published in 1923.
Le baiser d’immortalité.John Gravestone, fils unique d’un chasseur de vampire tué au combat, a fait très tôt le vœu de venger son père et de continuer son œuvre. Pour l’heure, l’éducation austère imposée...
Now, this is a subject on which I flatter myself I really am au fait. The gentleman who, when I was young, bathed me at wisdom's font for nine guineas a term-no extras-used to say he never knew a boy...
Set in a drawing-room in London's Russell Square in 1911, 'The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy' is a fictional stage play full of wit and warmth, which addresses the issue of women's rights...
'Three Men in a Boat' (1889) is the bestselling comic masterpiece by English writer, humourist, and playwright Jerome K. Jerome. It follows the author and his two companions as they try to escape busy...
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