Jesper Rasch is a Danish author. He has a Master's degree in Philosophy and Theory of Science combined with Public Administration. He has worked with research, innovation and support for creative companies. He has always loved books - everything from Donald Duck before he could read to Murakami, fantasy and moral philosophy. During the day he juggles with numbers and in his spare time with words and creative projects.
Wichtel Finito sorgt für Weihnachtsstimmung was written during the corona pandemic, which canceled a treasure hunt he had prepared for his son's class. It created the spark for his debut as a children's book author.
Da Nissenok ser drengen Linus råbe, at han hader julen, beslutter han sig for at få ham i julestemning. Men hvad skal han finde på?
Jagten på julestemningen går over stok og sten. Linus og hans venner bliver ledt ud på en skattejagt, hvor de gennem opgaver skal gætte, hvor posterne...
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