Ver todos los libros de Jessica Blank

Jessica Blank - Libros y biografía

Jessica Blank is an actor and writer whose television credits include Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Rescue Me, and One Life to Live; film credits include The Namesake (directed by Mira Nair) and The Exonerated (for Court TV). Her first novel, Home, is forthcoming in 2007. Erik Jensen has costarred in more than a dozen feature films, including The Love Letter and Black Knight, and such television shows as Love Monkey, Alias, CSI, and Law & Order; recent stage credits include Y2K and Corpus Christi. They live in Brooklyn.

Más leídos del autor

Almost Home

Publicado el 10 de julio de 2010
4,49 €
IVA incluido
Why would anyone choose to live on the streets? There is Eeyore, just twelve years old when she runs away from her priveleged home, harboring a secret she's too ashamed to tell anyone. Rusty is a sensitive gay teen who winds up alone when his older boyfriend ditches him in Hollywood.... Más información

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