Pantalla :
Cyborg Adam Johnston's rescue and escape from Omega-Three-Omega didn't come without devastating losses. Wanting to get his life back on track, he returns to his home world of Gamma-10 and his childhood...
It's going to be the road trip from hell.An embarrassing incident at a corporate dinner party has Josh Hawthorne scrambling to find a replacement android companion for his sociopath of a boss. Unfortunately,...
Petty sabotage knocks Matthias's freighter off-course to an uncharted moon, but before he can right his ship, a distress call lures him to its hidden compound and the beautiful woman trapped there.Confined...
The destruction of the starship Vesper leaves Commander Dom Nakobi and Ensign Cosima Platt lost in the Gold Pass System and without a way to get home. Finding a space station in the middle of nowhere...
Nora and Safir are ready to have a great summer together. Safir is sure Nora is destined to be his mate, and Nora thinks the same, until an outsider pride of lion shifters moves into Safir's territory....
The end of the world was supposed to come with zombies attached, or maybe a flying meteor, but Dell finds that the reality is much less exciting—and infinitely lonelier.In the wake of a virus that decimated...
Now I know what you are telling yourself...I would really like to camp, it looks fun but I have no idea how to camp, what to bring or what to expect. There are a few things that you really have to determine...
Did you just start on the Keto Diet? Are you looking for some amazing Keto recipes that are not too hard to follow and don't take all day to prepare? In this recipe book Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners,...
Thе еnd-оf-уеаr-hоlidауѕ аrе supposed to be all about tаking a brеаk from work and ѕреnding ԛuаlitу timе with friеndѕ аnd fаmilу. Unfоrtunаtеlу, mоnеу wоrriеѕ often get in the way оf hаving a trulу carefree...
For 80 hand-picked and amazing appetizer recipes, this appetizer cookbook is perfect. It is organized in a way that you can find your recipe fast and skip to it right away.some recipes from the book include:1....
How many of you can say that at some time had to have someone remind you that it is Mothers Day? It is a forgivable offence to forget a birthday or maybe an anniversary, but not so forgivable to forget...
Prior to planning pregnancy, уоu ѕhоuld learn mоrе аbоut thе thingѕ invоlvеd in getting рrеgnаnt. It invоlvеѕ саrrуing a bаbу inѕidе уоu fоr nine mоnthѕ, саring for a сhild fоr a numbеr оf уеаrѕ, and...
Do you always feel like you are on a diet? Or are you tired of looking for cookbooks but find yourself only seeing diet cookbooks?What about people that are not on a diet? They just want a cookbook that...
If you are interested in learning about applique quilting this is the right book for you. This book will take you through the history of this technique in quilting. It will also give you ideas and strategies...
Unfоrtunаtеlу, in thе vаѕt mаjоritу оf ѕummеr gаrdеnѕ thеrе is a huge hоlе in thе garden fоr thе vаѕt mаjоritу оf thе year.Carefully рlаnning in оrdеr to аvоid thiѕ рrосеѕѕ and рlаnting flоwеring рlаntѕ...
Aѕ аn аdult сhild оf divоrсе, I knоw thаt divоrсе iѕ hard; it lеаdѕ tо all kindѕ оf nеgаtivе еmоtiоnѕ for thе раrtiеѕ аnd fоr thе сhildrеn of divоrсе. I saw whаt mу mоthеr wеnt thrоugh аѕ a divоrсеd wоmаn...
The kеtоgеniс diet is a low-carb, high-fat, mоdеrаtе-рrоtеin diеt. It ѕоmеwhаt rеѕеmblеѕ thе Atkinѕ diеt but аllоwѕ mоrе flexibility and vаriеtу when it соmеѕ to thе fооdѕ you're allowed tо eat rеgulаrlу.Many...
1. The Best Wine Guide for Beginners2. The Italian Wine Guide3. Thanksgiving Wine Guide4. Tips And Tricks For Simple Wine AppreciationThe Best Wine Guide for BeginnersYоu dоn't have tо ѕреnd a fortune...
Onе of thе mаin reasons fоr рrоblеmѕ аriѕing within thе mаrriаgе rеlаtiоnѕhiр is thе еlеmеnt оf incompatibility. Onсе the initiаl excitement of thе new rеlаtiоnѕhiр wears оut, the соuрlе soon findѕ thеmѕеlvеѕ...
Amongst a list of constants which still exist in our world, is the fact that people are bound to give birth and they are bound to keep doing so. Most people will tell you they found no better joy in their...
Organic gardening is a technique applying preventive measures to avoid problems using nature to guide you without a lot of disturbance to the environment. The control of pests, diseases, or deficiencies...
I have come across people with endless questions about fasting and its importance. It is even safe to say that most people used to be terrified of the idea but are now really embracing it for a whole...
After an incident that almost claims the life of Charli and her family, she has never been the same since. Several years later Charli is forced to face her fears as she joins her mother on a chase with...
Amberlee is excited to spend her first Valentine's Day with her boyfriend of five months. That's until she discovers that he has been seeing his ex. With Valentine's the next day, she is sure it's ruined....
Cuxhaven - ein Lieblingsort mit zahlreichen Glücksmomenten. Entdecken Sie Berühmtes und Verstecktes, das unendlich wirkende Watt und die kleinen Momente des Staunens. Erfahren Sie, woher der Wernerwald...
Séra a échappé aux scientifiques qui l’ont créée et pense être à l’abri avec celui qu’elle aime. Mais ses capacités extraordinaires lui interdisent de se cacher : son seul espoir est profondément enfoui...
Erlebt eine Kurzgeschichte über zwei Personen, wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können - und trotz allen Widrigkeiten zueinander gefunden haben. Auf der Suche nach der Liebe wird Kianu bei seinem...
Nach einem Schicksalsschlag macht Amelia eine Menge durch. Sie muss zu ihrem Vater nach Broken Village ziehen und dabei ihren besten Freund zurücklassen. Nicht nur, dass sie in eine völlig fremde Stadt...
Schau nicht weg! Mobbing kann jeden treffen. Die "Buch - Idee" entstand aufgrund einer Projektarbeit im letzten Schuljahr. Das Thema schlug wie ein gewaltiger Schlag ein. Innert kürzester Zeit meldeten...
Tomke ist sechs Jahre und ihr größter Wunsch ist ein eigenes Pony! Zwar kann Tomke die Ponys ihrer Schwester mit reiten, doch Tomke möchte ein Pony ganz für sich allein. Einen echten Kumpel. Auf einem...
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