Pantalla :
The Dog Who Saved Christmas follows Cate, Ralph, and their close-knit team on a magical journey to restore the spirit of Christmas in their town, Brightwood.Armed with the ancient Star of Giving, they...
A young warrior pledged to vengeance. A skyship captain harboring a perilous secret. A sparking conflict threatening to consume them both.Jaleya is a guardian sworn to protect the rowshatari, who veer...
À la recherche d'un avenir meilleur de Jessica Hintz est une histoire profondément émouvante de transformation personnelle, de dynamique familiale et de courage de guérir. Situé sur fond de relations...
Í leit að betri morgundag eftir Jessica Hintz er djúpt áhrifamikil saga um persónulega umbreytingu, fjölskyldulíf og hugrekki til að lækna. Þessi skáldsaga er sett á bakgrunn erfiðra sambönda og tilfinningalegrar...
Wild In Vegas 3, Jinx & Memphis Jinx believes the heart wants what it wants. She kept parts of her past hidden from Memphis, but a situation will make her leave in the middle of the night. Jinx was...
At the birth of time travel, an emerging love will have life-changing consequences.Violet-Lee Brandston, a brilliant mind in the burgeoning field of temporal biology, has the potential to revolutionize...
Comment trouver sa voie quand son cerveau fonctionne différemment ? Déficit de l’attention, hyperactivité motrice et impulsivité : Jessica McCabe a souvent été en lutte avec son cerveau. À 32 ans, sans...
Caregiving is holy work. Caring for a loved one can stretch the heartstrings and the soul in equal measure, leaving caregivers to walk a path that is exhausting, isolating, stressful, and seemingly...
Ecos do Abismo – Sombras do Controle em direção ao Chasing Normal é uma exploração profunda da resiliência, da vulnerabilidade e da intrincada rede de relações humanas. Esta narrativa convincente convida...
Echoes of the Abyss - Shadows of Control towards Chasing Normal is a profound exploration of resilience, vulnerability, and the intricate web of human relationships. This compelling narrative invites...
Der Bogen der Erinnerungen, geschrieben von Jessica Hintz, ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Poesie, Memoiren und literarischer Fiktion, die den Leser auf eine eindrucksvolle Reise durch persönliche...
の 記憶のアークジェシカ・ヒンツが書いたこの本は、詩、回想録、文学小説をユニークにブレンドしたもので、読者を個人史、哲学的思索、歴史的考察を通じて刺激的な旅へと導きます。 3 つの異なるセクションに分かれたこの本は、人生の深い瞬間についての感情、経験、考察のタペストリーを探索するよう読者を誘います。セクション 1: 「祖父の遺産」このセクションでは、ヒンツは穏やかなミッドランドの田園地帯で過ごした幼少期を振り返り、ノスタルジーと家族のつながりの本質を捉えた短編小説を織り上げています。彼女の祖父の遺産が複雑に描かれており、読者を無邪気さ、伝統、そして田舎の生活の美しさの時代に連れて行きます。セクション...
El Arco de los recuerdos, escrito por Jessica Hintz, es una combinación única de poesía, memorias y ficción literaria que lleva a los lectores a un viaje evocador a través de la historia personal, reflexiones...
Dulcie Brisand's world has fallen apart before, but with the help of the people she loves, she's always managed to pull it back together. Now that those people have forsaken her, she faces an uphill battle...
In the small town of Willow Creek, single mother Anna Lawson struggles to raise her daughter, Grace, after the tragic death of her husband. Anna's faith is tested, but she finds solace under a centuries-old...
Aiden, a young photographer, receives a mysterious invitation from Paris to go to a sanatorium to take some publicity photos. Despite his doubts, with the enthusiastic support of his girlfriend and the...
Super Easy Ulcer Diet Cookbook for Beginners: Relieve Pain, Restore Comfort, and Enjoy Food Again with 50 Delicious, Ulcer-Friendly Recipes! Are you struggling with the constant pain, discomfort, and...
When a wildfire ravages the small town of Pine Valley, single mother Elena Morales loses her home and livelihood. She's forced to move in with her estranged parents, Javier and Maria, from whom she has...
After losing her job and her fiancé in the same month, Clara Bennett returns to her grandmother's olive farm, a place she hasn't visited since her parents' divorce. Surrounded by the warm embrace of her...
"Ferð handan löngunar" eftir Jessica Hintz er töfrandi saga sem blandar saman fantasíuævintýri og djúpum heimspekilegum hugleiðingum. Þegar eirðarlaus ungur guðdómur smeygir sér í töfrandi galósíur, er...
"Viagem além do desejo" de Jessica Hintz é um conto fascinante que combina aventura de fantasia com profundas reflexões filosóficas. Quando um jovem e inquieto Divine entra em galochas encantadas, ele...
O Arco de Memórias, escrito por Jessica Hintz, é uma mistura única de poesia, memórias e ficção literária que leva os leitores a uma viagem evocativa através da história pessoal, reflexões filosóficas...
Echoes of the Abyss - Shadows of Control into Chasing Normal er djúpstæð könnun á seiglu, varnarleysi og flóknum vef mannlegra samskipta. Þessi sannfærandi frásögn býður lesendum að leggja af stað í umbreytandi...
"Journey Beyond Desire" by Jessica Hintz is a spellbinding tale that blends fantasy adventure with deep philosophical reflections. When a restless young Divine slips into enchanted galoshes, he's whisked...
Could his Christmas past become his future? In this Blame It on the Mistletoe story, Charlie should be planning his convenient wedding. As heir to a dynasty, he must...
The POTO quartet returns for more adventures in 1889! Christine goes on an inspiring visit to the new Eiffel Tower, Meg realizes how chaotic babysitting can get and Raoul is forced to face the sour music....
Le Arc des Souvenirs, écrit par Jessica Hintz, est un mélange unique de poésie, de mémoires et de fiction littéraire qui emmène les lecteurs dans un voyage évocateur à travers une histoire personnelle,...
"Voyage au-delà du désir" de Jessica Hintz est un conte envoûtant qui mêle aventure fantastique et réflexions philosophiques profondes. Lorsqu'un jeune Divine agité se glisse dans des galoches enchantées,...
IL Arco dei ricordi, scritto da Jessica Hintz, è una miscela unica di poesia, memorie e narrativa letteraria che accompagna i lettori in un viaggio evocativo attraverso la storia personale, riflessioni...
"Reise jenseits der Wünsche" von Jessica Hintz ist eine fesselnde Geschichte, die Fantasy-Abenteuer mit tiefgründigen philosophischen Reflexionen verbindet. Als ein ruheloser junger Göttlicher in verzauberte...
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