Pantalla :
Ouders moeten trots zijn op hun LGBTQ+ kinderen en hen onvoorwaardelijk steunen. Open communicatie, educatie en het zoeken naar steun zijn essentieel voor het welzijn van het kind en het gezin.Dit boek...
Ser pai é maravilhoso, algo único no mundo, uma experiência física e transcendental que só as mulheres podem desfrutar em toda a sua magnitude, mas nós, homens, também podemos fazer parte deste processo...
Η στωικ? φιλοσοφ?α ?χει ?να αξ?ωμα: Δεν μπορε?ς να ελ?γξεις ?λα ?σα πρ?κειται να σου συμβο?ν, αλλ? μπορε?ς να ελ?γξεις τι σκ?φτεσαι γι' αυτ? τα γεγον?τα. Αυτ? το βιβλ?ο ε?ναι ?να ζωτικ? ταξ?δι μ?σα απ?...
"Jeśli życie dzisiaj tak wiele ode mnie wymaga, to co mogę zrobić, aby mu sprostać?".Jest to jedno z wielkich pytań naszych czasów, niepewność, która powoduje u nas poważne problemy lękowe.Jako dziecko,...
On the Path is the story of a youthful love imbued with Buddhism and pure experiences along the Mediterranean. Prayers, nature and feverish ingenuity that time will try to erase, as it does with everything,...
Twoje dzieci dorastają i nie oglądają już tylko filmów na swoich telefonach komórkowych, ale są całkowicie zanurzone w cyfrowym świecie.Internet ma bardzo dobre i bardzo złe strony, a jeśli pozostajesz...
"Wenn das Leben heute so viel von mir verlangt, was kann ich dann tun, um ihm gerecht zu werden?"Dies ist eine der großen Fragen unserer Zeit, eine Ungewissheit, die uns ernsthafte Angstzustände bereitet.Als...
Nel 2017, con uno stipendio di 1.150 dollari al mese, sono riuscito a scambiare 1.200.000 dollari nel mercato azionario.Come è possibile?In questo libro ti spiegherò i segreti per cambiare il tuo stato...
Caro amigo, no ano 2017, com um salário de $1.150 por mês, eu consegui negociar $1.200.000 na bolsa de valores.Como isso é possível?Neste livro vou explicar os segredos para mudar seu status social e...
Cher ami, j'ai écrit dix-sept livres en cinq ans. En tenant compte du fait que chaque livre compte environ 80 000 mots, j'en ai tapé environ 1 360 000, et si l'on compte ceux que j'ai supprimés, le montant...
"Ninguém entra no meu quarto, estou fazendo streaming""Meus tik-toks sempre carregam DIY e FYP"Se você não entende estas frases que são constantemente repetidas em sua casa, você precisa deste livro....
Drogi przyjacielu, w ciągu pięciu lat napisałem siedemnaście książek. Biorąc pod uwagę, że każda z nich ma około 80.000 słów, wpisałem około 1.360.000, a jeśli policzymy te, które skasowałem, na pewno...
"I'd rather have Twitch ban me than lose all my videos.""I think I've been Shadow banned"If you don't understand these phrases that are constantly repeated in your house you need this book. Your kids...
"Niemand kommt in mein Zimmer, ich streame.""Auf meinen Tik-Toks steht immer DIY und FYP."Wenn Sie diese Sätze, die in Ihrem Haus ständig wiederholt werden, nicht verstehen, brauchen Sie dieses Buch....
प्रिय मित्र, 2017 में $ 1,150 प्रति माह के वेतन के साथ, मैं शेयर बाजार में $ 1,200,000 का व्यापार करने में सफल रहा।वो कैसे संभव है?इस पुस्तक में मैं आपकी सामाजिक स्थिति को बदलने और आर्थिक रूप से समृद्धि के रहस्यों को समझाऊंगा। अपने जीवन की शुरुआत से परिपक्वता तक। बचत और निवेश की बुनियादी...
親愛的朋友,我五年來已經寫了十七本書。考慮到每本書大約有80,000個單詞,我輸入了大約1,360,000個單詞,如果算上我刪除的單詞,那肯定是接近兩倍。傑克·凱魯亞克(Jack Kerouack)自誇自己寫了一百萬個單詞,很顯然傑克·凱魯亞克(Jack Kerouack)是一位偉大的作家。我個人愛他。在20世紀中葉,傑克·克羅克(Jack Kerouck)撰寫作品時,還沒有Google雲端硬盤,亞馬遜,虛擬書店,也沒有可能立即將作品發佈在整個IRENET上。現在,您的食指觸手可及。這本書是我個人經驗的結晶。從一本類似小說的草圖開始,到不尊重節奏的事實,到現在每兩個月出版一次新作品這一事實。當然,結果的背後是無限的工作時間,但這是致力於令人興奮的事情的努力。我總是說獻身於我愛的事情的時間不算在內。一切都對你有利。我們去吧
Cari amici. Ho scritto diciassette libri in cinque anni.Tenendo conto che ogni libro ha circa 80.000 parole, ho digitato circa 1.360.000, e se contiamo quelli che ho cancellato, il numero è probabilmente...
यह पुस्तक मानव को प्रभावित करने वाली महान अनिश्चितताओं के माध्यम से एक महत्वपूर्ण यात्रा है: मृत्यु, प्रेम, बच्चे और स्वास्थ्य। शांति और संतुलन के साथ उनका सामना करना कुछ ऐसा है जो एक पूर्ण अस्तित्व की ओर ले जाएगा।कोरोनावायरस महामारी ने एक प्रजाति के रूप में सुरक्षा की हमारी अवधारणा को बदल दिया है और भविष्य के...
Lieber Freund, ich habe siebzehn Bücher in fünf Jahren geschrieben. Wenn man bedenkt, dass jedes Buch etwa 80.000 Wörter hat, habe ich etwa 1.360.000 getippt, und wenn wir die von mir gelöschten mitzählen,...
Caro amigo, em cinco anos escrevi dezassete livros. Tendo em conta que cada livro tem cerca de 80.000 palavras, escrevi aproximadamente 1.360.000, e se contarmos os que apaguei, certamente a quantidade...
Dear friend, I have written seventeen books in five years. Considering that each book has about 80,000 words, I have typed approximately 1,360,000, and if we count the ones I have deleted, surely the...
Im Jahr 2019 verlor Joan Pont nach zwei Jahrzehnten des professionellen Börsenhandels aufgrund einer einzigen Entscheidung sein gesamtes Kapital.Dieses Geld war für die Zukunft seiner Familie bestimmt,...
In 2019, after two decades of professional stock market trading and because of a single decision, Joan Pont lost all his capital.That money was for his family's future, so the psychological blow was terrible.Financial...
In 2019, na twee dekades van professionele aandelemarkhandel en as gevolg van 'n enkele besluit, het Joan Pont al sy kapitaal verloor.Daardie geld was vir sy gesin se toekoms, so die sielkundige slag...
In this essential new guide for writers who publish their books independently, Joan Pont delves into the 12 basic rules that will allow them to reach the goal of a literary career full of achievements...
Dear friend, in 2017, with a salary of $1,150 per month, I managed to trade $1,200,000 in the stock market.How is that possible?In this book I will explain the secrets to change your social status and...
Em 2019, após duas décadas de negociação profissional na bolsa de valores e devido a uma única decisão, Joan Pont perdeu todo o seu capital.Aquele dinheiro era para o futuro de sua família, então o golpe...
La filosofia stoica ha una massima: non puoi controllare tutto quello che ti succede, ma puoi controllare quello che pensi di quegli eventi.Questo libro è un viaggio vitale attraverso le grandi incertezze...
Plötzlich zieht sich jemand, der dich für alles gebraucht hat, zurück. Der große Schritt der Pubertät ist da. Die ersten Jahre in der High School, die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen, Alkohol, Drogen, Cyberbullying.Unsere...
Suddenly, someone who needed you for everything starts to pull away. The big step of adolescence has arrived. The first years of high school, the first sexual experiences, alcohol, drugs, cyberbullying.Our...
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