Joe Cross' personal story of transformation was chronicled in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been seen by more than 20 million people worldwide. The incredible response to screenings of the film inspired Joe to create Reboot with Joe, making the tools, information and support available to enable anyone to reclaim their wellbeing. His second film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 charts the next stage of Joe's journey of health. He is the author of The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet and The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book, and spends time between Australia and the US, always with a juice in hand.
Einmal den Körper rebooten – wie den Computer. Alten Mist rausschmeißen, neu aufsetzen und dafür sorgen, dass das System wieder läuft: Das machte Joe Cross mit Reboot with Joe – die Saftkur. Das Buch wurde ein Bestseller. Nun legt er nach und erweitert das Programm um Reboot with...
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