Pantalla :
There is now an estimated 1 trillion dollars of buying power in the hands of children.Tens of millions of children world-wide are prescribed psychotropic drugs today, compared to close to none in 1980.Food...
Stanley Wells is an ordinary boy, who happens to be quite curious. His friends are the mysterious Dr Moon and his canine companion Morcambe. Together they seem to stumble upon strange happenings and trip...
Dans ce récit, Joël Egloff retrace l'histoire singulière et tumultueuse de sa famille durant la seconde guerre mondiale, en Moselle annexée. Pièce par pièce, il entreprend de reconstituer le puzzle de...
La représentation du monde de la danse classique oscille entre fascination et condamnation. Fascination pour les danseurs et danseuses qui se consacrent " corps et âme " à la recherche de l'excellence...
H is for Hummus by Joel Rickett and Spencer Wilson - a perfectly middle-class ABCA is for Apple, B is for Bear, C is for Cat... Z is for zzzzzz. Traditional ABC books just don't reflect the busy lives...
Où se trouvent les champs Élysées ? Qui rejoignons-nous quand nous tombons dans les bras de Morphée ? Quelle est la vraie histoire du complexe d’Œdipe ? Que risquons-nous à ouvrir la boîte de Pandore ?...
Depuis toujours, les déserts ont fasciné les êtres humains. Le contraste saisissant entre cet infiniment grand et l’extrême réduction de la vie qui règne dans les zones arides y est sans doute pour quelque...
Les saints sont certainement les meilleurs médecins de l'âme humaine, les thérapeutes les plus compétents pour soigner notre mal-être profond. Leur doctrine est sûre parce qu'ils ont expérimenté le pouvoir...
Armand Schneider-Schmidt, dit « ASS », est le modèle même de la réussite : adjoint au maire de la ville de Strasbourg, “issu de la société civile”, il dirige également Alsafood, leader mondial de l’alimentation...
Braquage à Genève2 juillet 2022, deux malfaiteurs sont sur le point de dévaliser une grande bijouterie de Genève. Mais ce braquage est loin d'être un banal fait divers... Vingt jours plus tôt, dans une...
Are You Ready to Transform Every Conversation into an Opportunity?Whether you're navigating difficult conversations, leading a team, or simply trying to connect better with others, communication is the...
The secret to getting the basics right when starting your business, whether online or offline business. Running a business is not a fairy tale; and certainly it is not like falling in love with Cinderella....
A young lady, just returned from college, was making a still-hunt in the house for old things—old furniture, old china, and old books. She had a craze for the antique, and the older things were the more...
Uncle Remus Stories was first published in 1906 by Joel Chandler Harris, is presented here with full illustrations by A.B . Frost and Harry Rowntree. Uncle Remus is a collection of animal stories, songs,...
The post-office in the middle Georgia village of Hillsborough used to be a queer little place, whatever it is now. It was fitted up in a cellar; and the postmaster, who was an enterprising gentleman from...
Es gibt einen Weg, der uns von Krankheit, Armut und Sünde und von den Folgen der Kriege und Wirtschaftskrisen befreit. Er besteht darin, dass wir gegen die materielle Lebensauffassung die Einsicht und...
Balaam and His Master written by Joel Chandler Harris who was an American journalist, fiction writer, and folklorist. This book was published in 1891. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this...
Told by Uncle Remus: New Stories of the Old Plantation written by an American journalist, fiction writer, and folklorist Joel Chandler Harris. This book is one of many works by him. It was published...
Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris is an iconic American tome that is renowned for its exploration of African-American folklore. The collection of oral narratives and folksongs,...
Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings - Joel Chandler Harris - Uncle Remus is the fictional title character and narrator of a collection of African-American folktales adapted and compiled by Joel Chandler...
Joel Dorman Steele's 'A Brief History of the United States' offers readers a comprehensive overview of the development of the United States from its early foundations to modern times. The author's writing...
"The Second War with England" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by an American author Joel Tyler Headley. The War of 1812 was a conflict fought between the United States and the United Kingdom...
In Joel Chandler Harris's novel 'Gabriel Tolliver,' readers are immersed in a post-Civil War South filled with vivid characters and compelling storytelling. The book is written in a Southern Gothic style,...
Joel Chandler Harris, known for his innovative use of dialect and folktales, presents a collection of stories that capture the essence of Southern culture in 'Balaam and His Master, and Other Sketches...
In 'The War of 1812' by Joel Tyler Headley, readers are taken on a detailed journey through one of America's lesser-known conflicts. Headley's narrative style provides a comprehensive account of the military...
Emmitouflé dans son ciré jaune, Jean s'égosille dans son porte-voix. En l'espace d'un quart d'heure, le vacarme des moteurs de la vingtaine de camions forcés de s'arrêter, est devenu assourdissant. Incrédules,...
Deep within a large forest untouched by civilization lives a teenage boy. With no memory of a life outside his forest, he's content to spend his days in solitude. Whittling his time away, he lives a simple...
Ouvrage "Tout en un", cette 3e édition conforme à la réforme de 2021 est l’outil indispensable pour tout élève de 1re et 2e année de classes prépas commerciales ECG-ECT mais également pour les élèves...
Executive presence matters. When 400 CEOs were asked how they choose next-level leaders, 89% of them said they looked for one critical trait-executive presence. This quality is crucial for professional...
After his defeat by Jeres-thin, Pharaoh Sneferu was imprisoned in the red pyramid for over two hundred years. But during that time, he worked out a scheme to return with a new weapon, but also with agents...
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