Born in Austria, Dr. Johannes Slacik owned an award-winning restaurant in Florida when in 2002 he first learned about the gospel of Thomas which induced his religious-philosophical recourse. He studied business economics thereafter and completed an education program to be a practicing psychological and business consultant. During his PhD, his affinity for structure and detail grew. However, his religious-philosophical interests never stopped. With his book SOPHIA, Mary Magdalene & the divine human being. Johannes Slacik combined his life experiences and knowledge of spiritual integration in the Anthropos-Method. He is a senior expert at the Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria. His free time is joyfully spent with his wife and son while constantly working on himself trying to gain self realization for an improved spiritual integration.
Als Johannes nicht mehr kann und eigentlich nur mehr aufgeben und den Bus nehmen möchte, tja, genau dann passiert ein Wunder. Der Weg verändert sich und vor allem verändert es Johannes. Wohl wird es noch einige Wochen dauern, bis er die Reise Urlaub nennen wird. Er pilgert durch...
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