New York City. 1979. Lee is hired to investigate the murder of actor Wes Adams.
New York City. 1976. Lee is hired to investigate the murder of sixteen-year-old Mark Mills.
New York City. 1975.Lee is hired to investigate the murder of Notre Dame University student Ken Harris.
New York City. 1977.Lee is hired to find the whereabouts of sixteen-year old Ariel Cohen, who was last seen working at the Aristocratica Gentleman's Club.
New York City. 1978.Lee is hired to investigate the murder of gossip columnist, Cathy Buckley.
New York City. 1976. Lee is hired to investigate the murder of author Horace Collins.
New York City. 1976.Lee is hired by FBI Kyle Lynch to help him hunt down a madman who calls himself the Over-Lord.
New York City. 1980.Lee is hired to investigate the bombing of a bar called Union Jack's.
New York City. 1976. Lee is off to Greenville, Wyoming, to invesigate a mining accident thatresulted in the deaths of ten coal-miners. His client, Lori Hartford, isconvinced that they were murdered.
New York City. 1984.Tech magnate Aoki Kato hires Lee in infiltrate the growing and sinister Utopia Now cult.Once Lee gets in, he can't wait to get out...but he has to save the world first!
New York City. 1985. Lee has a new job: he's Chief-of-Security for Motivational Speakerand Best-Selling Author Robert Nathan.It's a full-time gig that comes with two thingsLee's never had before: medical...
New York City. 1986. New York State Governor Kevin Quartermain is the King. His wife, Layla, is the Queen.Monty Wallace, a mentally-challenged young man, wrongly convicted of murder,is the Pawn.Lee Hacklyn...
New York City. 1986. Lee faces his greatest challenge when he confronts Legion,a privately-funded terrorist group, bent on world dominationand the elimination of religious freedom.
1986.Lee is hired by Bob Moranis, Director of Operations for CSIS,Canadian Secuirty Intelligence Service, to run security atCanada Plaza, during Vancouver's World's Fair, Expo 86.On opening day, FLQ terrorists...
New York City. 1987. Lee and Tommy Ryder, AKA the Urban Tiger,reunite to investigate the murder of fourteen-year oldRobert Infantino.
New York City. 1987. Lee is hired by his old friend, Flynn MacIntyre, a television producer,whose brother, Lloyd, a security chief for the upcoming Miss B.U.T.T.Pageant, was killed by a drunk driver.Flynn...
New York City. 1976. Lee is hired by none other than his mother, Alison Hacklyn,to find a missing Russian ballerina, who wants to defect.What is her secret?And will her desire to betray her country trigger...
New York City. 1984. Lee is hired by professional wrestler Val Gerschel,AKA Vain Glorius, to investigate what he believesis the murder of American Wrestling Society PresidentTad Miller.
New York City. 1976. When someone close to sixteen-year old Tommy Ryder ismurdered by a minion of Televangelist/Self-ProclaimedFaith-Healer Saul Bartholomew, he, and his sister, Molly,seek vengeance and...
New York City. 1976. Sixteen-year old Tommy Ryder, AKA, the Urban Tiger,and his girl-friend, Varvara, are held hostage bythree Russian militants. Their real target isVarvara's brother, Maxim. The question...
The far future.Continuing the adventures of Captain SeanHardy and his loyal crew of Red Star One.Having arrived at planet Liberty, when freedomreigns, they must prepare to risk their livesagain to defend...
New York City. 1976. Lt. Jay Franz of NYPD has been arrested andcharged with the murder of his wife, Denise. When sixteen-year old Tommy Ryder, AKA,the Urban Tiger discovers the identity ofDenise's killer,...
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 1977-1978. It's on. The final showdown between fifteen-year oldMike Montages and his mortal enemy, Joe Mantz. Meanwhile, Frank's brother, Phil, who is now Mayorof...
Continuing the adventures of Lee Hacklyn,private investigator.He frequently puts himself in harm's way.Sometimes for money.Usually, because it's right.
Continuing the adventures of Lee Hacklyn,Private Investigator, who frequently puts himself inharm's way. Sometimes, for money. Usually, because it's right.
Continuing the adventures of Lee Hacklyn,Private Investigator.He frequently puts himself in harm's way.Sometimes for money.Usually, because it's right.
New York City. 1975. After his friend, Mark Dixon, is assaulted androbbed, fifteen-year old Tommy Ryder takes tothe streets as the streets as the maskedvigilante known as the Urban Tiger.
New York City. 1975. Fifteen-year old Tommy Ryder takesto the streets as the masked vigilanteknown as the Urban Tiger.
Queens, New York City. 1975. Ten-year old comic-book fan Clint Wagner is abusedat home and bullied at school.His not-quite-yet-friend, Billy West, is the leader ofa nerdy group called The Treehouse Avengers.Clint...
New York City. 1976. Sixteen-year old Tommy RyderAKA the Urban Tiger, has a newenemy: televangist and so-calledfaith-healer Saul Bartholomew.What is the terrible connectionbetween Tommy and Saul?
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