Jonathan Holslag teaches international politics at the Free University Brussels. He is the author of several books including China's Coming War with Asia and Trapped Giant. He is aspecial advisor to the Vice-President of the European Commission, a Rockefeller Fellow of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, and a Nobel Fellow at the Nobel Institute in Oslo. He has appeared on CNN, the BBC, Bloomberg, CCTV and Al Jazeera, and written for newspapers such as the Financial Times and the Guardian.
Da sempre l’umanità ha desiderato la pace, da sempre l’ha considerata lo stato ideale cui aspirare: filosofi e poeti ne hanno cantato le lodi, sovrani e imperatori si sono vantati di aver trasformato le proprie terre in regni prosperi e pacifici. Eppure, se osserviamo la nostra storia,...
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