Joris Luyendijk was born in Amsterdam. He is a writer, journalist and author of
Hello Everybody!: One Journalist's Search for Truth in the Middle East.In 2011 Luyendijk was as ignorant of a 'CDO' or any other maddening financial acronym as you or I. The
Guardian asked him to look at the world of finance from a beginner's perspective and chart his learnings - the hugely popular Banking Blog was the result of this investigation. Follow him on @JLbankingblog.
El antropólogo y periodista Joris Luyendijk sabía tanto como cualquier hijo de vecino sobre los misterios de la actividad financiera: apenas un par de tópicos. Los banqueros eran para él unos tiburones que urden siniestras intrigas en un mundo felizmente ajeno al nuestro. Hasta que...
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