Ver todos los libros de J.S. Morin

J.S. Morin - Libros y biografía

I am a creator of worlds and a destroyer of words. As a fantasy writer, my works range from traditional epics to futuristic fantasy with starships. I have worked as an unpaid Little League pitcher, a cashier, a student library aide, a factory grunt, a cubicle drone, and an engineer--there is some overlap in the last two.

Through it all, though, I was always a storyteller. Eventually I started writing books based on the stray stories in my head, and people kept telling me to write more of them. Now, that's all I do for a living.

I enjoy strategy, worldbuilding, and the fantasy author's privilege to make up words. I am a gamer, a joker, and a thinker of sideways thoughts. But I don't dance, can't sing, and my best artistic efforts fall short of your average notebook doodle. When you read my books, you are seeing me at my best.

My ultimate goal is to be both clever and right at the same time. I have it on good authority that I have yet to achieve it.

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All These Shiny Worlds

Black Ocean: Passage of Time

Twinborn Chronicles

Project Transhuman

Black Ocean: Mirth & Mayhem

Black Ocean: Mercy for Hire

Black Ocean: Galaxy Outlaws

Black Ocean: Astral Prime

Más leídos del autor

Astral Prime Mission Pack 1

Astral Prime Mission Pack 1

Publicado el 21 de junio de 2024
4,99 €
IVA incluido
They found a planet where none belonged. They should have left it alone. It is a planet like nothing the galaxy has seen. Found deep in the astral. Inhabited by creatures out of myth and legend. Formerly inhabited by a race far more advanced than anyone could have imagined.And now... Más información

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