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Jules Verne - Libros y biografía

Jules Gabriel Verne was born in the seaport of Nantes, France, in 1828 and was destined to follow his father into the legal profession. In Paris to train for the bar, he took more readily to literary life, befriending Alexander Dumas and Victor Hugo, and living by theatre managing and libretto-writing. His first science-based novel, Five Weeks in a Balloon, was issued by the influential publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel in 1862, and made him famous. Verne and Hetzel collaborated to write dozens more such adventures, including 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in 1869 and Around the World in 80 Days in 1872. In later life Verne entered local politics at Amiens, where had had a home. He also kept a house in Paris, in the street now named Boulevard Jules Verne, and a beloved yacht, the Saint Michel, named after his son. He died in 1905.

Kleine Dornbrunnen Bibliothek

Collins Classics

EDGE: Classics Retold


Macmillan Collector's Library

Découverte classique

Hors collection

Extraordinary Voyages

gli Antecedenti




Puffin Classics


WordFire Classics



HarperCollins Children’s Classics

Géo collection

La Bibliothèque Verne

Pocket classiques

CLÁSICOS - Tus Libros-Selección

CLÁSICOS - Clásicos a Medida

CLÁSICOS - Clásicos a Medida (Euskadi)



CLÁSICOS - Clásicos a Medida (C. Valenciana)

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Publicado el 3 de marzo de 2022
3,99 €
IVA incluido
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