As a child, Julie was always telling tales. Not the '
she ate all the cake
not me' kind but wildly exaggerated tales of everyday events. Julie still loves telling stories. She's written over 100 books for children, some with her friend Linda Chapman, and she is published around the world.
Julie lives in Cornwall with her family and a white wolf - cunningly disguised as a dog. When she's not writing she likes eating cake, reading and walking, often at the same time.
Entra en la Academia Unicornio... ¡donde todo es mágico!¡Qué suerte tiene Laila! No solo puede estudiar en la Academia Unicornio, sino que además le encanta la compañía de Pirueta, un unicornio lleno de energía, aunque a veces a Laila le asusta un poco saltar y trotar a toda velocidad...
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