Katherine Rundell is the author of Rooftoppers, Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms (a Boston Globe–Horn Book Award winner), The Wolf Wilder, The Explorer, TheGood Thieves, and The Zebra’s Great Escape. She grew up in Zimbabwe, Brussels, and London, and is currently a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. She begins each day with a cartwheel and believes that reading is almost exactly the same as cartwheeling: it turns the world upside down and leaves you breathless. In her spare time, she enjoys walking on tightropes and trespassing on the rooftops of Oxford colleges.
Una aventura conmovedora con tintes clásicos: intriga, acción, y cierta fantasía donde reina el amor a los libros y a la valentía.Tras hundirse un barco en el Canal de la Mancha, una niña de apenas un año aparece flotando en un estuche de violonchelo y es rescatada por un erudito...
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