Ver todos los libros de Kathy Love

Kathy Love - Libros y biografía

USA TODAY bestseller, Kathy Love has been labeled "a character-driven author, who prefers complex subjects that add an emotional, humorous edge" by Romantic Times. Originally from Maine, she now resides in Maryland with her family, a rescue mutt and five black cats.

Friendship Harbor Mysteries

Hoodoo and Bayou Series

Never Fear


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I'll Stand Bayou: Magic and Mayhem Universe

I'll Stand Bayou: Magic and Mayhem Universe

Publicado el 31 de octubre de 2022
3,49 €
IVA incluido
Note to self: Never warm a Cup-a-Soup using magic when it's just as easy to use a microwave.   Violet Jourdain is in trouble. She made a bad choice when preparing her lunch, and now she is in hot water with Baba Yaga herself. Her punishment? Two weeks of no magic and a forced vacation... Más información

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