Katja Perat is one of the leading poetic voices of her generation. Her first poetry collection The Best Have Fallen (Najboljši so padli) came out in 2011 and received both the Best Debut Award and the Kritiško sito Award, an award bestowed by the Slovenian Literary Critics' Association for best book of the year. Her second book of poetry Value-Added Tax (Davek na dodano vrednost, 2014) was also extremely well received. The Masochist (Mazohistka), published in May 2018, is her first novel.
Vigilia di Natale del 1874. Leopold von Sacher- Masoch lascia la sua dimora austriaca per l’ignoto, salvo ricomparire dalla foresta di Lemberg, l’attuale Leopoli, portando con sé una neonata dalla capigliatura fiammeggiante. La masochista è la storia di Nadežda Moser, della donna...
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